Well That Escalated Quickly...

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Everyone's staring at me(oh boy!). Then the whispering kicks in. But I have better hearing than they realize. I can hear every word.

"I'm sorta surprised she's not a Hades kid." Piper admitted to Annabeth.

"Hades would've sorta made sense. Look at what she's wearing."

I look down at myself. Dark skinny jeans tucked into knee-high black boots, a black T-shirt and a silver chain bracelet on my right wrist. My usual outfit. That is when my wardrobe is acomadating.

Maybe it's time I describe myself.

I'm pale. Like, pale pale. And super scrawny. My brown hair looks like it hasn't seen a brush in a week (oh wait... it hasn't) and falls to about my shoulders. I have natural amber highlights (A/N, not like gold amber, just kinda coppery). I wear precription black kate spade glasses, and they make my right eye look a tiny bit bigger than the other. As for my acual eyes... they're this kind of grey/blue/green thing. I honestly don't know...

Nico walks up to me. My heart speeds up against my will and I tense.

"Look, I don't know what this all means." I say. "Just..."

"I think." He interupts me. "That I want you on my team for capture the flag."

My brain is malfunctioning. Did he just totally rip off The Lightning Theif right there?

"Yah sure." I gasp. "So... when do I get to go home?"

"After the game." Nico promises. "Last day of school, dog gone, your parents might just think you took a walk. You'll be home before the sun goes down in Texas."

Yes, I'm Texan. No I do not own a farm and ride a horse to school! Though I am pretty fond of boots...

Capture the flag. On the blue team we have Nico, Jason, the Aphrodite cabin, the Apollo cabin and a few others. We're against Ares, Percy and everyone elseG. Okay, please don't tell me I sounded like a sports anouncer right then.

By now, word of me being a goddess had gone around. Even the Ares cabin wouldn't harm a kitty... right?

Will, Nico and me are supposed to try to sneak around and get the flag while everyone else either guards or distracts. The whole time while we get suited up, I'm thinking: why exactly do I not have a weapon?

Will had a bow and Nico has his sword. I'm unarmed. Even the Hephaestus cabin couldn't find me a match. Wee.

I take a breath before jumping the creek. I am not falling in my first game. Amazingly, I made the jump.

We snuck through the woods for a while before I saw the banner: a red background with an ugly boar's head. There's no guards. I catch the boys' attention.

Trap? I mouth.

Divirsion could be working, Will mouths back.

Go for it! 

Nico dashes forward, grabs the banner, comes back and shoves it into my hands.

"Bu-" The boys have started running before I could make a sound. I sigh and follow them.

Half way back to the creek, we run into the Ares cabin. I yelp and run up a tree, amazingly keeping a hold on the banner in my hand. Nico follows my example. 

For some reason, I focus on Will. There's a small flash of light and Will disapears. In his place is a very startled looking ginger tom cat. 

"C'mon, slowpoke!" I yell at the cat. It blinks and runs up a tree in the blink of an eye.

I pick up Will -I had decided that somehow the kitten was Will -and placed him on my shoulder. 

We run through the tree tops the rest of the way. Then we jumped down by the creek. And by that I mean... I misjudged the trajectory and we fell into the creek. I spluttered upwards, coughing out creek water.

Some camper from the other team had the banner in hand and what looked like the entirety of the blue team chasing them. I did the rational thing- I threw Will at them.

He yowled some very colorful words that I shall not translate as he landed in the camper's face. I sloshed  through the creek.

The second my foot touched the shore, the red flag in my hand shimmered and turned silver, with the logo of a cartoon crosseyed orange cat face emblazoned on it.

I turned around, ready to call it a night and force Nico to shadow travel me home when a giant- and I mean giant - fox crashed through the undergrowth, ten feet away from me. It looked at me with cold eyes, dropped something at my feet, snarled and sprang away into the brush it came from.

Annabeth came up to me, holding Percy's hand. "That was the Teumessian Fox!" She exclaimed.

"Big fox." I said, scooping up what it had dropped at my feet.

It was a note, made with letters cut from various magazines and newspapers. It bore two words. Black spots danced in my eyes.

I panicked and grabbed the nearest hands- Nico and Annabeth, who was holding Percy's hand.

Then I blacked out, leaving me to dread the words the paper bore.

Enjoy Tartarus.


Yay, long chappie!

Bet you can't guess what's gonna happen next/

Yes, I still suck at author's notes.

Well until next time, I really should settle on an outro, this has been (and hopefully always will be!) Rose! Buh bie! XD

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