Chapter 16

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Hime pov
"What the hell are you doing in the Akatsuki? And why did you use that jutsu on us? Why did you make not only me but everyone not to remember you and the others? Argh! I have so many questions to ask you!!!" Uzumaki-san 's face contorted into a furious one, before his blue eyes looked at mine, then he realized.

"What happened to you?!" He said.

I kept quiet for a minute, when I spoke.
"You aren't going to stop me nor get answers, even if it's you, or anyone else."

And before I jumped away, he held my wrist, making me more sense closer the chakra of my other Big brother, Kurama.

"Uzumaki-san, let go of my hand." I said, but he didn't listen and ...hugged me..

"Hi-chan, why?" He asked from behind me, as his head rested on my back.

"....." I was silent, speechless if I could say, of this sudden action of his. Why would he hug his enemy? An enemy that targets him precisely.

"It's because your my comrade." He answered my thoughts, as I looked at his grinning face as he let go of my hand and extended his open palm to me.

"Hi-chan, let's go home..." He said.

I looked at him, then walked past him, not before whispering something.

"Uzumaki-san, I can't go back yet,take care of Nii-san for awhile, I'll save you." Then I disappeared.

But I knew he didn't hear what I whispered as traitorous tear kept falling down my cheeks.


Sasuke pov (noooo T^T)
As Hime's chakra disappeared once again, I got back to her room, curious of what happened to the old cheery bipolar Hime that I have met before.(a/n: DUCK BUTT, DON'T GO IN IN SOMEONE ELSE'S ROOM!)

Also I was curious to why she is in the Akatsuki, and why she hates me so much. (a/n: duh...)

As I looked around her room, I remembered the child that she was before, small, cheery, bipolar, childish, and now, she is a big difference, menacing, a killer, carefree, tall, mature....(a/n:what do you care anyways????)

Then suddenly, my neck felt something cold and sharp, as I knew who that person is, as her scythe's blade was cornering me between the edge and her flames.

"What the hell is wrong with you Uchiha?! Don't you know privacy??!!" She growled, as the red purple like flames grew bigger.

"Hn." I answered. (a/n: wow...nice wide vocabulary you got there...)

Her scythe began to near my neck, lightning and fire surrounding it,as I took hold of the hilt of my Katana, ready to block it.

But before her scythe can swiftly cut my head out of my body, Suugetsu, Karin, Jugo and Rei stopped her.

Karin pulled me away as Suigetsu and Jugo guarded me, when we gaped at what we saw.

I almost made my mouth fall open as my eyes almost traitored me to become wide as saucers like the other two, seeing two girls....kissing??????

When they pulled away, Rei shooed as out, then slammed the door shut.

Curiosity killed the cat, as Karin and Suigetsu's ears are plastered on the door, hearing what was happening.

I didn't care, but stopped when I heard their conversation loud and clear without being an idiot of plastering my ear to the door.

"Rei why did you stop me?!!?!!? I almost killed the damn Uchiha!!" I could hear Hime growl in anger, as red and purple flames began to leak out below and the sides of the door.

"You know you can't do that! Remember what Madara said!

What did he say?

I heard silence, before I heard footsteps, making me conclude that Hime sat on her bed.

"Fine...but why did you stop me that way?" Hime questioned.

I inwardly nodded as the two idiots nodded their heads, still eavesdropping on the two's conversation.

"Tehe, that's what I could think of at that moment....ehehehe..." Rei answered, I sighed as I continued to walk away again, when I heard some commotion inside that I didn't or i mean don't want to hear.

The others except for Jugo and me knew were blushing as they completely ran away, their faces as red as tomato.

Hime pov
After escaping an almost full session with Rei, I began to train with my scythe, when I noticed his chakra again.

What the hell is wrong with this duck *ss?? Can't he see that I almost killed him earlier???

Definitely a stalker. Or a lover?
*wiggles eyebrows*

All the tailed beast inside of her: THERE IS NO DAMN WAY WE'LL LET THAT UCHIHA NEAR OUR IMOUTO!!!!!!!

I cringed as their voices synced together, with roars and growls can be heard after.

Okay okay sheesh, I was just teasing, and it's getting crowded in here....

You got that right A-chan, ne, do you know where Akemi is?

Gomen, apparently somehow I couldn't sense her chakra, like she disappeared into thin air.


I sighed then became alerted as the Uchiha stepped forward, making me glare at him as I turned around.

"What the hell is your problem?!?!?" I growled, as he stopped his third step to go near me.

"I just wanted to ask you something." He said.

"Then you should of just said that instead of creeping me out by stalking." I said with a blank face.

• • • • • • • •

He said nothing for 8 seconds, before asking me his question.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked.

I just tch 'ed at him and turned around, facing my back towards him.

"It's pretty obvious really, guess it yourself, or ask Rei." I said coldly, before ignoring him and continuing my training. (a/n: burn Uchiha burn!!!!!)

"Hn." He said, before walking away to god who knows where while I don't seriously care.


Getting all tsundere now are we?

Two tails: let me get that Uchiha's head so I can make his words wider with his big and wide vocabulary.

Three tails: your having a lot of sarcasm in your sentences today...

One tails: yeah........


So anyways I'm in a little hurry again so please




AND LET'S KILL THE EMO *cough* Sasuke *cough* duck butt *cough* ARMY!!!!!

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