Chapter 23

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Well, i gave you all so much time to decide yet not even one answered. I am freaking itching to write for the past few days yet I had to wait. So I'll make the decision my own.

Warning: a lot of confusion and short story is coming.

Hime pov
I've decided, that I'll stay and go. I'll go and wait for 'tobi' to go nearer and I'll tell him my decision, though I know that he'll I'll make a plan.

My plan is that I'll make fake chakra and spirits of my big siblings and transfer it to the creepy statue, that way, he'll think that I am going to quit,(with Rei)yet I'll tell him that I will not tell anyone else his plan.

Secondly, if this doesn't work I'll have to result to plan B, which is to tell him I'll quit (with Rei) promise him I won't tell anyone his plan, give him the fake chakras and spirits, tell him something that will make him let go of me, and then boom, finished.

Though if either of these plans succeed, I'll tell him that I'll still be on his side when the war comes, that way, it'll have a 0.001% chance.

So now,this is my fifth day, and I already told my siblings my plan, and all of them respected my answer except one (Shukaku) yet he lost because of the majority of the votes.

Anyways, now I can move my body, so I wrote a letter that I'll be coming back, just going to do a private business, and I took off. So that she knows that I'll come back, I left my clothes and some of my stuff (which I don't know how it got here).

Jumping through the trees, I went to the direction of his chakra, though I'm glad he's with Rei only.

When I reached the place, they were talking, but then their heads snapped to my direction.

"Hime-sama!" Rei glomped me, as she had tears in her eyes, and he was silent.

"So, do you and Rei already know my decision, the things that A-chan transmitted to you before I arrived?" I asked him.

Though she didn't add the fake chakras and spirits part.

"Yes." Rei said.

"Yes, I've been informed, and my answer is yes." He said.

Thank god.

"Now give me the tailed beasts spirits and chakra." He ordered.

"But after this I can't move, so please Rei can you carry me?"

"Anything for you Hime-sama. "

He performed handsigns and the statue suddenly appeared.

"I'll do it, I researched."

"Alright, but you'll have to do it alone, now, begin transfer."

I nodded and made the handsigns, afrer awhile, the transfer was finished, and my plan got to action.

My siblings released the chakra, and they cut theirs, making it seem real, that their spirits and chakra were at the statue already.

Next, I fell to Rei's arms, my body already numb, as I can't move.

Then the last part....

"Goodbye, we'll see soon in the war." He said, before vanishing.

"Well, where are we going?" Rei asked.

I pointed my fingers to the direction of the castle, and she nodded and began jumping.

Well, now I know that the fuel is going to add to the fire....

All of the tailed beasts inside Hime: Good luck.

And best wishes.

You guys didn't have to remind me.....

Anyways please





New life (sequel for My life as Shinigami's daughter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें