Filler! Tobi's Birthday! Gift giving time!

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Today was Tobi's birthday, and they all were in a one large room.

"Happy birthday!" They all cheered.

"Tobi says thank you!!!!!" Tobi cheered, as each handed him gifts.

"Here." Itachi said, giving him a book.

Tobi read the title loudly "HOW TO BE NOT ANNOYING." He said.

"Tobi thanks Itachi for this wonderful gift!!!!"

Next, Sasori came and gave him a box.

Tobi opened it and found candies and other sweets,making him drool.

"All of them tastes one flavor, acidic taste. With a mixture of poisonous herbs and venom of different plants and animals, eat it well." Sasori said with a blank face and left to his room.

Toby didn't comment, but lay the box down next to Itachi's gift.

Next, Kisame came and gave him a bag of cream puffs, which Tobi cheered.

After Kisame, Kakuzu just gave Tobi a paper saying 'happy birthday' not wanting to waste a single penny of his money.

Konan then gave him another mask.

Sue gave him a home baked cake

Tamotsu gave him hair gel

Akane gave him hair brush

Pein didn't bother giving one.

Hidan gave him a condom, which was thrown immediately by Tobi

Rei gave him a death certificate, and evilly left with an evil glint on her eyes and left not uttering a word

Lastly, Hime gave him a stuffed rainbow pony, looking down as she gave him the present before runing away.

"TOBI THANKS ALL OF YOU!!!!! AND TOBI IS A GOOD BOY!" Tobi screeched flailing his hands up

"Yes, yes we know Tobi...." All of them sighed in irritation.

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