Chapter 29

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Hime pov
I was walking on the endless blood colored ocean, as the sky was illuminated by the light of the red full moon.

Looking back, I saw a dragon, it's red wide and steely like wings flapping as it followed me, it's gaze never leaving mine.

He made a small breath of fire, which lighted some of my path, whuch made me look forward, and continue my endless walk with the mystic creature.

This silence continued for a while, only sound that can be heard now were my footsteps, and the flapping of the creature's wide and strong wings.

I came to a halt as one of his big, claw like structure that is covered in an almost unnoticeable dried blood, touched my shoulder, which I didn't even flinch of.

"I'll help you m'lady. Just say the word and help will go on it's way." The dragon spoke telepathically, as it/him slowly disappeared, along with the red, silent scenery.

"It was nice meeting you." I spoke, unconsciously, as my vision began to blur, meaning i was waking up.

"I hope we'll see each other once again." I stated, and again unconsciously.

"We will m'lady. We will."

Opening my eyes slowly, I adjusted to the dim lighting of the room I was in, which was provided by a small lamp shade right beside me.

I tried to stand up, but then, a wave of pain crashed on my body, making me lie hesitantly back down on the bed.

Looking around the room, I saw that only little furnishings decorated it.

A closet, some books, a study table, a chest, the lampshade and the bed I am currently lying on are the only thing I see, aside from the plain gray painted walls and ceiling, along with the same metallic door that always blocks my only escape.

Just then, the door silently opened, revealing...








This made my eyes widen, as I remembered that I was supposed to be with Ami, the only person that I label here as the kind one, and the others are practically labeled in my head as 'danger!'

"Ah, you're awake." Kaori stated, walking nearer and nearer to me.

I stiffened as she sat next to me, and flinched a bit as she caressed the scars and cuts that I got from Chika a few hours ago, and I guess she noticed my action.

She blinked and took off the bandages, revealing the scars, some deep and long, others short and shallow.

Her hand tightened on the bed sheet, seemingly resisting something, and her brows furrowed as I examined her face, and she gently (I don't know) held my arms a bit, then her hand glowed with her chakra.

She can do medical jutsus?!?!? But...why is she healing me? I think I'm getting something here... I thought.

The scars that were still not healed began to close and stitch themselves until they were gone, and the pain I felt earlier lessened.

This continued for a bit until all the scars and the pain was gone from my body.

Then she looked at me in the eye, making me mentally gulp, as it held seriousness and her normal stoic face.

"Now you're healed...." She paused, holding my wrist in an iron grip, just in case.

"Pay the price." She stated.

I knew there was a catch...

I gulped nervously as her arms began to snake around my waist, and her face close to my neck.

Her mouth opened showing fangs, and she bit me, hard, sinking her fangs deep into my skin, making me scream, but my mouth was covered with the hand that was holding my wrist awhile ago, as she continued to sink her fangs on my neck and suck the blood that was pouring out.

Tears began to leak on my eyes as the pain continued and doubled, as her nails sunk on my stomach's flesh, my screaming muffled by her hand.

After awhile, her nails and fangs came out of my flesh, making me whimper at the pain, but said nothing as her arms that snaked through my waist let go, making my body fall limp on her bed, my neck burning.

Her usual black eyes were now glowing deep red, as she looked at my stomach that was flowing with my blood.

She bent down and teared the hospital dress that Ami gave me, and began to disgustingly lick the blood that was pouring out of my stomach, making me flinch and scoot away from her, but she just held my legs down keeping me immobilized and continued her action.

Tears began to fall in my eyes again as she continued to lick the blood, my blood that is left over on my stomach.

She sat up after her action and licked th- my left over blood that was on her mouth and nails.

"Mm..your blood is...perfect~" she grinned, showing me her bloodied fangs as her eyes glowed.

"I'll keep you.." She grinned like a maniac, as she chained my neck to the wall.

"Kaori!" I heard Gin's voice say from outside, making said girl look at the door with annoyance.

"Tsk." She said, her eyes going back to her lifeless black ones and her face returning to her stoic one.

"I'll come back." And she shut the door.

I remembered what the dragon told me in my dream.

"Only say the word and help will be on it's way...." I muttered to myself, thinking about the 'word' the dragon was talking about.

I was thinking so hard yet nothing came to my mind, but then a word came out.

"Euphoria!" I said out loud.

Then a loud crash was heard on my right.


Sorry for the long wait...

Had a field trip so ya...

Anyways what do ya think?







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