Chapter 30

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Hime pov
The wall has now a big hole, as some of the debris were lying on the floor.

I looked at what did that, and saw a big neon purple (?) and black dragon that is currently looking at me with it's glowing eyes.

"What's with the noise?!?" I heard someone shout, and running footsteps can be heard, fast.

'M'lady, climb on, quickly.' I heard a voice say in my head.

The dragon slashed it's claws at the chain that was holding me, making me hurry and jump on the dragon, which it made it flap it's wings and take off.

When I looked back, I saw an enraged Kaori and Gin, as both of their eyes glowed.

"Hurry!" I shouted, making the dragon fly faster.

Gin's skeletal dragon (the big one) flew in the air, gliding the skies with it's transparent wings as Kaori grew black wings on her back, and she flew towards us as well.

"Come back here!!!" Kaori screeched, her palm facing us making a red ball appear on it, as it grew larger and larger.

"Incoming attack!" I shouted to the dragon, as the ball was released from Kaori's hand, the red light heading towards one of the dragon's wings.

"Don't worry M'lady." The dragon spoke, and dodged the beam with ease.

"Where..are we *cough* headed?" I coughed, my vocal chords still not functioning properly.

"The center of the war M'lady. And it seems like more of the followers are coming." The dragon spoke, making me look down and saw Chika, Ami, and Gin riding on a stuffed bird ready to take off, as Nori is riding on 'Stuffy'.

"Nori!" Gin yelled suddenly, making Nori nod and signal something to the monster below her.

"They are planning*cough*something!" I said. Right on cue, 'Stuffy ' along with Nori jumped high, until they were right behind us.

I heard the dragon roar loudly, making me cover my ears and look behind, shocked that the monster bit on the dragon's tail, and Nori began to approach me.

"Come here Mika." Nori stated more like I was a dog, as shw continued to advance towards me, making me look at her with fear.

"No!" I screeched, doing rapid handsigns.

"Demon transformation: Level 2!" I screamed, and I transformed so suddenly, and dashed at Nori, my scythe at hand.

"Go away!" I shouted, swinging my scythe at her which she closely dodged.

This made the monster biting on the dragon's tail bite harder, making the dragon screech and roar in agony, trying to control his flying.

I became mad and dashed at the monster instead, my blade covered in crackling lightning.

"Don't hurt him!" I shouted, swinging my scythe at it's head, the lightning reaching it making it screech but still bit on the tail, but the blade didn't reach because of Kaori.

My eyes widened aa I realized she was near to me, but i also heard the sounds of war nearing us, informing me that the war that is happening was also near.

Just a little more...

Two tails: I'll lend you some of my chakra!

Three tails: Mine as well!

Nii-sans! Where did you disappear to?!?!

One tail: No time for questions! Accept their chakra and fight!


Red chakra began to envelop me as I concentrated, making the two notice and back away a little from the heat.

"What the hell?" Kaori said, shielding her and Nori with her wings from the heat.

I opened my eyes and I knew they were now with red and black slits, my fangs growing slightly as five red chakra formed tails swished dangerously from my back, the dragon wasn't hurt but the monster and the others did, making them dodge the incoming tails that attacked them.

"Go away!" I said, swinging my scythe at the monster, making it release it's hold and fall, Nori and Kaori too busy dodging my tails.

"Stuffy! Wait for me later!" Nori screamed, dodging another of my tails and bringing out two dagger knives.

"Take this!" Nori screamed, attacking me with such speed, but once the daggers reached my chakra cloak, it just melted.

"What.." Nori looked wide eyed at her now melted daggers, making it an opportunity for me to slam one of my tails to her side, successfully making her fall.

"Stop hurting your sisters!" Kaori said, attacking me with a chakra fist.

"Then what do you think you are doing?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow as I easily dodged her attacks, burning her arms and some of her dress with my cloak and making her have gashes and cuts on her stomach and legs.

While fighting, the dragon telepathically told me that we were already on top of the battle field, saying a little thanks afterwards.

Then all of a sudden, Rei, Sue, and Mama appeared, looking around with confused faces.

"Where are we?" Sue asked.

"Technically we are on top of a rainbow unicorn. What do you think we are on?"Rei sarcastically said, rolling her eyes.

"Girls! No time to argue! We are in the middle of the battle field! Somebody help Hime while the other help the villages defeat the beast !" Kazuko commanded, pointing at the beast which was clearly not Kaa-San.

"Right." Rei and Sue said. Sue jumped down with Kazuko while Rei stayed and put out her lightning rods.

"Rei! Battle her with dragon! I'll help Naruto-san and others!" I commanded, and jumped off as well.

Tiger-Dragon-Hare I thought, doing the handsigns.

Minna, lend me your strength!

All of the tailed beasts: alright!

I felt their chakra enveloping me fully, making me open my eyes after concentration.

"Beast transformation: Demon fox dragon!" I said, making ten tails sprout from my back and wolf ears on my head, my dragon wings opening making me glide towards the direction of Kurama-nii 's chakra, the sharp things more menacing as each were enveloped with my other sibling's chakra.

When I saw, Naruto, Sakura and the person I hate most, Sasuke, teaming up together to fight the faker ten tails, I sighed.

I guess Team 7 reunited after all....i thought, making me inwardly smile and land a bit far fron them so that I can keep my distance.

Naruto noticed me behind him and grinned, making the other two look at me, the one showing a smirk, and the other smile.

The faker ten tails roared, making all our attention go to it.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? CUZ I'M ALL FIRED UP!"


How was it? Good bad? Exciting?!?!?

Anyways, this story is almost reaching to it's end, just to inform you. But I'm planning to make another Naruto fanfic, because that's what i like XD

Anyways, please





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