Chapter 8

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Namaste (Hindi)

Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. I put in a lot of work and effort, I hope you all love it!! Sorry for the wait.

Please comment and leave feedback, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Picture of Sophia on the side.


Chapter 8

Emily's POV

"I'm back bitches!" a person exclaimed.

I climbed down the stairs now curious as to who was at the door. There was girl around my age, maybe a year younger? She was tall and skinny, long dark hair and piercing green eyes. Her face was chiseled and she had long lashes, in short she was drop dead gorgeous.

"Soph? Is that you?" Aaron questioned, the girl noticed him and squealed before tackling him into a bear hug.

"Of course it's me! I have so much to tell you. I've missed so much, A!" she said exclaimed hugging him tighter.

"I've missed you more, Soph." Aaron said laughing.

"Chase, Ian! How've you guys been?" she said excitedly give each of them a bear hug and striking a conversation. Then she talked to the Luna and hugged her too. Aaron went over to them and soon they were engrossed in their conversation.

Who was this girl? Could she be Aaron's ex-girlfriend or like some he dated? Well, I hardly knew any Ex's who'd have friendly relations after breaking up. They both seemed to have a history, like they've known each other for a long time now and I was just the girl he met yesterday.

That thought disturbed me more than anything, if she was an ex-girlfriend, would he want to be with me. He didn't need all the baggage I carry around, he could be with someone better.

"Don't think that way. He's our mate, he won't us for someone else." My wolf said but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

I walked back to my room not wanting to be there anymore. I didn't feel comfortable there anymore. I sighed reaching for the door when I heard someone calling me.

"Em? Why did you take off from there? There's someone I want you to meet, I have a feeling you two will get along just great." Aaron said excitedly and I sighed, I didn't want to meet her and I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get along.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to get ready, we're already late for school." I said force smiling, trying to mask my feelings.

"Emily, what's wrong? what happened babe? Please tell me?" Aaron asked obviously noticing my discomfort.

"It's just nothing. You don't have to worry, you should probably go catch up with who ever she is, its pretty obvious you both are close. I understand if don't want to be around me anymore. I won't blame you, she's obviously better for you than I am." I said trying to sound nonchalant even though it was killing me on the inside.

"What are you doing? Why are asking him to leave us?" My wolf said howling in pain and sorrow.

"It's inevitable! It's going to happen sooner or later. I might as well let him know. Don't you wan him to be happy? She made him happy." I said trying to reason with my wolf. At the end of my speech, she disappeared not talking to me anymore.

"So, this what it's all about? Her? Are you jealous or something?" Aaron said his eyes widening.

"I'm most certainly not jealous. Yes, this is about her. I mean it's alright if you want to not be with me anymore. I can see how much you like her." I said trying to sound happy even though it was killing me on the inside.

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