Chapter 20

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Hey, guys! This chapter has Aaron and Emily's first date. Bear with my cheesiness and clicheness and also Ed Sheeran is awesome! Don't say otherwise. The song on the side is Thinking Out Loud by Ed. Happy Reading!

This chapter is edited.


Chapter 20

❤ Emily's POV ❤

"Cause we are never ever ever ever getting back together!" I belted out on top of my lungs.

"We never ever ever ever getting back together!" I sang loudly completely off key. Aaron chuckles next to me. It was a wonder that he hasn't told me to shut up yet.

"You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me but we are never, ever, ever, getting back together." I sang bobbing my head to the music playing on the radio. I was totally enjoying myself singing along to Taylor's song.

"Come on, sing with me, Aaron!" I shout excited."Aw man! The song's over. This song is my jam!"

"So have I made you fall head over heels for me with my 'out of the world' singing skills yet?" I joke poking his cheek.

"Out of the world, yes. I definitely agree." Aaron said grimacing and then shot me sweet smile.

"That was a mean thing to say, you big meanie." I said sinking back into my seat. I cross my arms across my chest and look out of the window pouting.

"I still love you despite your 'out of the world' singing skills." Aaron said smiling at me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him after a while turning to my side to give him my full attention. "It's a surprise."

"Okay. Where are you taking me?" I asked him again completely ignoring what he said.

"I'm not saying anything, Angel." Aaron said rolling his eyes at me.

"You're no fun." I muttered slumping back in my seat. "Says the girl who hates surprises."

"Are we there yet?" I ask him yet again.
"No. Patience, Angel." Aaron said simply. Of course, he's fine, he's not the one dying of curiosity. I take out my phone and played flappy bird for exactly five minutes before I felt like chucking it out of the car.

"I'm bored." I state looking over at Aaron who shakes his head at me in amusement. "What do you want to do then?"

"You know what? We don't really know each other that well, let's play twenty questions." I said.

"Okay. I'll go first." Aaron said."What's your dream car? If you have one that is."

"Of course I have one! Who doesn't? I've always wanted an Aston Martin. I came very close to stealing Chase's car but then I felt bad so I didn't. Plus, Chase would've bawled like a baby if I stole his 'love'." I said putting air quotes on love. That boy really loved his car, I would too if I had that car.

"Why the sudden question about cars anyway? Please tell me you felt bad seeing my lack of a car and you were planning to gift me an Aston Martin." I said gripping his arm and looking at him wide-eyed.

"I didn't know you loved that car so much. If you really wanted it so much, I'd give it to you in a heartbeat." Aaron said sending me that boyish smile of his that I absolutely loved. "I'd give you the world if you asked for it, love. A car isn't that big a deal.

"By the moon, how are you so perfect? I was so lucky to meet you. I couldn't have asked for a better mate." I said smiling stupidly. I can't even begin to describe how much I loved him.
"I could say the same about you, Angel."

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