Chapter 4

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Nei Ho! (Chinese)

I'm so sorry for the long wait guys! I promise to write faster! You don't know how sorry I am! :(
Please do comment, I will read all of them and reply.

Picture of Chase on the side! Enjoy!


Chapter 4

❤Emily's POV❤

Eleven Years Ago

"Evan! Evan! You're too fast, this isn't fair!" I shouted on top my lungs to try and stop my six year old twin brother. My little legs couldn't carry me quick enough to catch up to him. We both were playing tag in a clearing near the pack house.

"Catch me if you can slow poke!" Evan taunted me running farther away from me. I tripped over my own two legs and face planted, kissing the ground. I was clumsy like that sometimes. I started sobbing uncontrollably clutching my scraped knee.

"Emily! Are you alright? What happened?" Evan asked me, concerned etched on his face. He squatted next to me, peering down at my hurt.

"I-I fell d-down and g-got a boo-boo." I said through my tears. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

"You'll be okay baby sister, you're stronger than that. I'll always be by your side, to protect you and to take away your pain. You'll never have to be alone." Evan swore. I looked at him with wide, innocent eyes and held out my pinky. I immediately stopped crying. Pinky promise meant a lot to the six year old me.

"Pinky promise?" I asked in a soft, unsure voice.

"Pinky promise." He confirmed confidently before hugging me again.


Evan. My heart thudded against my chest loudly and my head started spinning. Everything happened too quickly for me to even believe that it was real not a dream. For eighteen years now, Evan and I were absolutely inseparable, we were twins for god's sake.

The first thought that came into my mind then was that he broke his promise. He promised me that he would never leave me, that he would always be by my side. He promised me! I would have ran back to save if not for Ethan pinning me down. Tears streamed down my face, I can't believe I just lost my twin.

'Emily if we go a little further we will be safe, Come on, do this for him. You owe it to him.' Ethan said but I couldn't think straight. He started running and I followed him lost in my thoughts.

We've been running for a while, there was a dull ache in my limbs. Before I knew it, it was already evening. The sun was just setting below the horizon, the sky was glowing a beautiful shade of gold and orange. A small brook was flowing nearby, the water seemed like molten lava. The trees loomed over my head. I was in awe of the sight. It truly magnificent even though it had a eerie feeling to it.

I snapped out my daze I realized I thirsty. I ran over to the small brook and looked at my reflection in it. My white wolf looked beautiful and my brown eyes held a lot of sadness in them. Seeing myself reminded me of Evan and how much I'm missing him. Ethan was waiting for me and we both set off in a run. We crossed the Blue Rivers territory and we were just outside the Golden Dusk pack.

Then I heard it, a snap of the twigs from the nearby brushes. My head snapped in that direction, I crouched low and snarled out of instinct. I could see few wolves there. I hoped they weren't rouges, they disappeared for few seconds behind the trees. Then a man and three boys around my age in basketball shorts stepped out. They all had a hard look on their face. Ethan stepped in front of me protectively. The man had a powerful aura around him and I guessed he was a Beta. He wasn't an Alpha I could tell, Alphas could be identified from a mile away.

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