Chapter 16

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Hey I'm back! Here's another chapter. Please leave feedback. Read, comment and vote!

This chapter is unedited.


🎩 Aaron's POV 🎩

"State you're business here rogue. You trespassed into my territory. I'm giving you one chance to explain, use it properly or you're going to die." I said coldly glaring at him. Nobody was going to mess with my pack, my family, my friends and definitely not my mate. I just want finish this and go back home to my Angel.

"A-Alpha I d-didn't mean to t-trespass. I was lost, my pack kicked me out." He said bowing his head.

"You still trespassed into my territory. I don't know what you're intentions are or if you're telling me the truth. Lock him up in the cellars." I said and my fighters took him to the dungeons.

"I don't know why but something doesn't feel right. He doesn't seem to he telling the truth but he can't exactly take on all of us. Something is going on." Chase said and I nodded grimacing.

"I know. I don't understand what those mutts are up to." I said running my hand through my hair. I was worried something bad is going to happen. Only three months ago they attacked Emily's pack, it was the second largest pack in the US. I couldn't let my guard down, I couldn't risk my mates safety at all. She doesn't listen to me, she's so stubborn all the time. What am I going to with her?

"Alpha Aaron, the Luna is refusing to listen to me. She's hell bent on following this pup into the woods. We're almost near the border on the north end from the pack house. Please get here now, something doesn't seem right." Ian's voice rang in my head. I panicked, what is she doing there? I knew something was wrong. "Alpha are you okay? What wrong? What happened?"

"It's Emily. Ian says they are near the woods in the north, close to border. He feels something is off about it. She's not listening to him." I said running my hands through my hair. I punched the tree in front of me with frustration and anger. I ignored the pain that shot up my hand and the now broken tree.

"Alpha please, you need to calm down. We have to go find her. Now." Chase said. I nodded meekly, we all shifted and ran to the opposite end of the pack. Fuck! Today was the first time I regretted having the largest pack in the US. I didn't know if I could make it in time to my mate when she needed me. I ran as fast as I could, pushing myself to go faster. Just as we crossed the pack house, I heard my Angel's voice in my head.

"Aaron something's not right, someone's here. We're near the border in the woods. Please come here quickly, I'm scared." I heard my angel's beautiful voice say. My blood ran cold and I came to abrupt stop. I could feel the fear in her through our mate bond. I broke my heart to see her go through that and be helpless to do anything. I just wanted to take her into my arms and assure her that she'll be okay, that I was there for her and that would always protect her.

"Angel hold on! I'm coming my love. I don't know what I'd do if something happens to you. By the time I'm done, these assholes whoever they are, will wish they were never born. Please hold on, my love." I said trying to reassure her and myself. She had to be alright, I can't live with myself if something happened to her and I wasn't there to protect her. I started running in her direction hoping I would get there in time.

"Alpha where are you? Those rogues got her and they took her somewhere. I can't move from my place, she commanded me to stay in my place." Ian said through the mind link. Fuck! They got her, they have my angel! I urged my wolf to run faster, he was doing the best he could. He was really worried about our mate. When we finally reached there, I saw Ian's wolf howling into the woods. We shifted all shifted and I immediately rushed to Ian's side.

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