Chapter 17

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Hey! Hope you all liked the previous chapter, here's another one. Read, comment and vote.

This chapter is unedited.



"Hey! It's me you want right? Leave him alone. I'll come with you if you leave him. Please." I said standing in front of Ian. The wolves looked at each other and nodded. Ian howled, pushing me to the side.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this. I'll be okay, I trust Aaron. Come and find me." I said patting his head.

"Move!" One of rouges said pushing me into a black car. I could hear Ian howls behind me as the car moved farther away from my home.

Chapter 17

Emily's POV

My heart felt heavier by the minute as the car moved away from my home. Aaron. I knew he would be worried sick about me. It would driving him crazy not knowing where I was. I should've listened to Ian, how could I have been so naive? Tears pooled up in my eyes, would I ever see Aaron again?

My arm still stung a little from the injection they gave me. I couldn't reach anyone through the mind link, I freaked out. How is Aaron going to find me? Everyone is going to be worried sick! I don't like making them go through this.

"Our mate will find us, no matter what. Have a little faith in him." My wolf said trying to comfort me. I nodded blinking back tears, I had to be strong. I knew I would never give up finding Aaron if anything ever happened to him, I would fight for him until my last breath.

Now the million dollar question was who these people were and why they kidnapped me. These rogues could be the same ones that attacked my pack and now wanted to kill me or they had something against our pack and Aaron.

"Get out." A gruff voice ordered. I clenched my jaw trying to let my pride go. Like I said, werewolves are prideful creatures, Alpha's even more so. I got out the car with my hands tied behind my back. As my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, an old, abandoned warehouse came into sight.

"Move." one of them ordered pushing me forward slightly. I glared at the tall, scrawny blonde who did this.

"I can walk by myself!" I snapped against my better judgement. I immediately scolded myself for acting on impulse, they could've killed me for all I know.

"Oh look, the Luna has a voice." the Blondie mocked me. I shot him daggers.

"That isn't all I've got you pathetic cowards, let me out of these and I'll take down every single one of you." I growled struggling with my ties.

"Someone's a little too overconfident. That's the thing with you Alpha's, so fucking sure of yourselves. You think you're the best damn things God ever made." The other rogue sneered. I sized him up, calculating how long it would take to pin him down. The brunette was more muscular and taller than the other, would take a little time but not impossible.

"Oh Hon, I'm just that good." I said shooting them my million dollar smirk.

"You underestimate your opponents, just like you're doing right now. You weren't so arrogant when we took down your pack." Blondie said smirking. The brunette nudged him and they had silent conversation with they're eyes. I tried to hide my surprise at his words, so the people who took down my pack were the ones behind this. I will avenge my pack and my parents, I vowed to myself silently.

"Enough chit-chat, move!" the brunette said and I walked all the way silently. A few other rogues trailed behind us, these two clearly seemed to be in charge. The kid from before was among them, he walked with his head down. As if feeling my gaze on him, he looked up and our eyes locked. I narrowed my eyes at him and he averted his eyes panicking.

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