Chapter 2-Him

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Calculus class is finally over. Great, I have enough homework for a whole week just from that class. I'm already over it and it's only Monday. I walk out of my math class and head to my locker to put my calculus book away. At the same time, I grab my Human Anatomy book. I'll come back for my calculus book toward the end of the day.

I have to get that homework done. My best friend Nicole and I enter the class and prepare ourselves for our test today. I didn't study, but I'm sure I'll still pass. Like I said, I'm over school.

A few class periods go by.

It's finally the last class of the day. This class is my favorite and worst class. I just hate the material I'm learning. I don't understand anything. No matter how hard I work, my results are below a B. Anyways, before I head into class, my papers slip right out of my hand and onto the floor.

A guy picks it up for me. It's the guy I have a crush on. He's so attractive. His pants aren't sagging, they're pulled up and he smells nice. The way a man should. Him and I enter the class together and he puts my fallen papers onto my desk and gives me a smile. "Here you are. Did you do the homework?" He asked with his hand still on my desk. I was too afraid to say anything to him. I just nodded my head.

I've never actually talked to him. I get so nervous around him. It's been about 2 months now and I haven't said a word to him. "Oh well, you can turn it in. Here, I'll take it for you so you won't have to get up." He takes my paper.

I look at him as he walks away. Those beautiful eyes of his and that curly, brown hair. He's everything I want in a guy. We have the same personality too. Class begins and I'm supposed to be taking notes, but I can't help but to stare at him. My eyes scan his body from top to bottom. Maybe the middle too if you get my drift.

The class gets their tests back. I look at my grade, then at him. He smiles and says good job. This was the best grade I've ever gotten to far. My desk is diagonal to his. So we're pretty close. He comes over to look at my test. He writes something on it. Since his sleeve are rolled up, I can see the veins in his arms move every time he writes. He's so admirable. He stops writing and I look up him. We make direct eye contact. I don't look away and he doesn't either.

We stay just like that, in silence.

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