Chapter 15-Memories

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Eris's POV:

As soon as I get ready to text him, the doorbell rings. I open the door to find Mr. Dolan standing there drenched in rain.

   "Oh my gosh! Grayson why didn't you bring an umbrella?" I say dragging him into the house.

   "I ran over here because I thought something was wrong. You didn't text me that night and I've been worried sick!" He's coughing. Is he getting sick?

   "I..I'm sorry. I was too scared to."I say looking down.

   "All this time you were scared?" He puts his drenched hands on my cheeks. "I'm sorry I put you in a situation where you weren't comfortable." He says changing his expression.

   "No, no it's nothing. I'm sorry for making you worry. Let's go upstairs,my mom isn't home. We need to get you dry." I say taking his hand.

As we go up each stair, I can feel his presence turning around as if he's looking for something.

"It's right here on the left." We finally arrive to my bedroom.

I sit on my bed and I leave him standing in the middle of the bedroom. He is looking around. I get on my phone. "Um..can I get a towel?" He asks. I slowly raise one eyebrow because I'm still trying to respond to a text message.

"Yea. My bathroom is right over there. There should be a towel hanging on the door."I say not looking up from my phone. "Thanks.." He enters the bathroom and comes back out with a towel on his head.

   I know. I know. I should be helping him out but right now my heart is about to jump out of my chest. If I even make eye contact with him, I might die.
My teacher, my crush, he's standing right here in my bedroom with a towel on his head! What would you do?

   "Eris? Why were you scared to text me?" He asks sitting down on my desk chair. "Because I didn't know how to text you." I respond. "What do you mean Eris?" He asks again. "How could I text you? You're my teacher. I just felt uncomfortable is all. It's not that I was ignoring you." This is so awkward.

He gets up from the chair and  looks around my room. It was silent for about three minutes. "You're cute." He says out of the blue. Heart attack alert. "In this picture, you're cute Eris." What the heck! Only in the picture I'm cute? Wow thanks..

I get up to see what picture he was talking about. It's the picture of me when I was five years old. That was me with my mom and dad. My brother wasn't born until a few months later. "You look a lot like your dad Eris. You have his eyes and nose. " He says picking up the picture. My dad...that picture...That was taken a long, long time ago; I haven't seen my dad since then. I wonder where he is now.

"Where's your dad Eris? I've only seen your mom." He asks curiously putting the picture down. "He left us. I don't know why. I guess it was because of me. If I didn't tell my mom that I saw him with another woman, he would still be here. He would still be my dad. I would still be his little girl.." I step back away from Mr.Dolan. I try not to let him see my tears. "I'm sorry Eris. You did the right thing though. Telling your mom he was cheating was the best option. He chose to cheat and to leave. Don't blame yourself okay?" He pulls me into a hug.

My silent crying turns into loud sobs. I've never cried so hard in my life...

Grayson's POV:
Poor Eris. All this time she was holding it in. It's better for her to let it all out. She's been blaming herself for his wrong doings for the past twelve years. Does her mother know about this? Should I talk to her mother about this? Could this have been what was effecting her academics? I can't think right now. All I know is that I want to hug and wipe all her tears and fears away. I may not be able to do it for every single one, but I can do it for this very moment here.

I pull Eris from me and look straight into her eyes. These beautiful brown eyes, these eyes full of so much strength and pain, they shall no longer shed tears as along as I'm around.

"I will take care you Eris." I whisper in her ear.

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