Chapter 16-Caught

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Janet's POV:
   "Yes. Her and him were together on a trip. They went to Maui, Hawaii. The reason I was there was to tell him that I might be pregnant. I wanted us to find out together. Mrs. Faye, my husband told me that he likes her! When I heard that, I thought he was insane." I say.

"So you're saying my daughter, Eris Faye, is in love with your husband?" Mrs.Faye says lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am. I was sick to my stomach. I can't believe my husband would do something like that." I say looking down and twiddling my thumbs. And to believe he may be the father of my baby...

"When does this so called trip end Janet?" She asks . "Today. They should be coming home now actually. Their plane landed about an hour ago and your house is not far from there." I see a car pull up in the driveway. It's Grayson's.

Seems that they are here. "Mrs.Faye, they're here." I say standing up. I see Mrs.Faye get up and head for the door. She stands in front of it; seems as if she's waiting on Eris. The key unlocks the door and Eris comes in with her luggage.

"So how was the field trip Eris?" Mrs.Faye asks. "Very bad. I wanted to leave."Eris says. "Who dropped you off? You told me to come and get you from the school." She's got her now. "Gray- My teacher, Mr.Dolan. He didn't want you to waste any gas. Since he was on his way home, he asked me if I wanted a ride." This skank. Lying to her own mother's face.

"Eris, what is Mr.Dolan's first name?" She asks Eris. "His name is Grayson why?" Eris asks baffled. "Janet, what is your husbands first name?" She turns to me. "His name is Grayson. Grayson Dolan." I say approaching her right side to come face to face with Eris. Eris drops her luggage and I hear the words "oh god" slip from her lips."

Grayson's POV:
"Eris let me apologize again. I know you're still upset." I say trying to make conversation. "Apologizing isn't going to help it Grayson. Cause of your decision to leave me on the floor like that, I lost a lot of my blood."she says.

"I'm sorry about leaving you Eris. I truly am. How's your bruise looking?" I ask getting ready to lift the side of her shirt up. "DON'T touch me. Keep your eyes on the road."she yells as she smacks my hand away. "Sorry.." "You're sorry for everything Grayson. Just stop talking to me okay?"

She looks out the window. With the sun shinning upon her, her eyes shimmer like glitter. Her complexion is so lovely too. I'm going to stop this car..

"What are you doing?" She turns her head towards me. "Answer me Grayson." She told me not to talk to her, so I'm not going to tell her.

I pulled over to get some fresh air. Right below us was an ocean. We're still in Hawaii and I'm driving us to the airport. Eris needs some fresh air. I walk closer to the ocean and I hold onto the railing. Hopefully I don't fall over the rail and into this ocean.

"Grayson..come on."Eris walks closer to me. "I want some fresh air Eris, you yelling at me is killing me okay? To believe that a few days ago you let me love and kiss you, but now you hate me. My heart hurts." She looks down. She comes a little bit closer and puts her hands on the rail too. The wind is very windy today; her hair blows in the wind.

"I only did it because I was hurt both physically and mentally. I wanted you to feel some of my pain. How do you think I felt when I saw Janet kiss you in the parking lot and tell you about how she could be pregnant? I wanted to crash your car and-" I cut her off.

"Don't you dare say that! Never do that no matter how much you want to!" I pull her closer to me. Her lips are just inches away from mine. I glance down her body and feel on her bruise. She closes her eyes and bites her lip in pain. I let go and she releases the bite from her lip, but she doesn't open her eyes. I take this moment to passionately kiss her.

"Thank you Eris. This trip was fun for me, I also got to relieve some stress. I'm sure your mom is ready to see you so go on and head inside. Text me if you need anything." I give her a final hug and she unlocks her front door. I drive off to go home to my crazy wife.

Eris's POV:
"Eris, why didn't you tell me about the trip?" My mother asks. "I-I did tell you about the trip mom." I say stuttering. "No you didn't. You told me about a field trip, not a trip to Hawaii with your teacher who seems to be Janet's husband." She crosses her arms.

"Janet you can leave now. Thank you for telling me about this. Go home to your husband and tell him you love him." I look to see Janet exiting our home. She smirks at me. I hate her.

"Now Eris, tell me about this trip." My mother drags me and forces me to sit down on the couch. "There's nothing to tell. We didn't do anything. I was just there. He told me he liked me and I did the same." She hits me on my side as punishment. I scream instantly and grip my left side. "What-what's the matter?" She asks looking worried. I lift my shirt up and show her my scar which has spread a little more to my back. "Where did you get such a scar Eris?!" She gets ready to touch it. "DON'T! It'll hurt." I scream.

It's silent for a while. I'm debating on whether or not to tell her that Janet is the reason for my scar. Time to make my mom feel guilty. "The woman who was just in our house, she gave it to me. She gave me this huge scar mom." "Janet gave you this? How? Tell me right now and don't leave out a single detail."she says.

"Janet caught Mr. Dolan and I in the same hotel room. I was going to brush my teeth then Janet came in. Mr.Dolan told me to leave so that him and her could talk to each other. I heard them two yelling and the sound of someone getting smacked. I ran back into the hotel room and Janet started fighting me and she pushed me down to the ground and stepped on my ribs. Her heels scratched my side and that's how I got this scar."

   "Why didn't you tell me this while she was still here Eris?!" She yells. "You only cared about why I lied to you! I need to put ointment on my scar and take my pain medication, so can we talk later?"I ask sounding tired. "Alright. I'll be talking with Mr.Dolan on the phone, go ahead upstairs." I do as I'm told and head upstairs. I need to let Grayson know what's going on before she calls him.

Over text message
Me: we're busted. Janet told my mom everything. She's going to call you so be ready.
3 minutes later
Grayson: Damn. Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I'll be talking with Janet too.
Me: don't tell Janet, make it seem like I didn't tell you. Just talk to my mom. If she asks you if we kissed or anything, tell her no. You could lose your job if you say yes.
Grayson: I don't want to lie to your mom Eris, but alright. 😞
Me: She knows about the scar Janet gave me.
Grayson: she's going to be so upset with me. She's going to blame me for the scar before I can even explain. 😥
Me: She doesn't care about me Grayson, just play it cool. I want you to keep your job. I gtg put on my ointment. Good luck! 🙄

   "I hope he doesn't get in any trouble..." I sigh to myself.

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