Chapter 19-Opportunity

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Leo's POV:
   I'm meeting with Eris today. It's about five in the afternoon and I just finished up some extra homework while waiting for Eris. Man calculus isn't an easy class.
   I see Eris walking down the soccer field looking around. I call out her name, but I see some man stop her in her tracks. She looks upset. He tries to give her a hug but she rejects it. She's looking around again. She walks away from him when she sees me. He calls out her name but doesn't chase after her. Is he a teacher here? I've never seen him before.

   "Hey Leo. What did you want to talk to me about?"she asks me. "Um..who's that teacher you were talking to? I've never seen him before."I ask her."Oh he's Economics teacher, Mr. Dolan. Ive known him for some time now." She says. "Why was he trying to hug you? He's a teacher."my jealously is starting to kick in. "Look Leo, it's nothing serious and nothing of your concern. What did you want to talk about?" Is she upset with me? Whatever. It's weird to hug your teacher.
   "I want you to understand why I did that thing to you that day. It wasn't to hurt your feelings. I was just scared you'd get hurt and leave me. You still left me either way. We haven't officially broken up and I want us to continue dating ."I tell her my true feelings. "Let me stop you right there Leo. I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings. I forgive you, but I do not want us to date again. I'm sorry. That was just too much of a heart break and I'm still recovering from that. I hope you can understand." She's still recovering? I am too. I'm glad she hasn't completely forgotten about it before I could apologize.
   "I understand completely Eris. Thank you for being my girlfriend for those years. You made them the most memorable moments and I will forever cherish them. Can I have a hug?" I wrap my arms around her and I feel them being pulled off by a strong force. "MR.DOLAN!" It's that teacher again. I rub my arms. He really hurt them. "Why are you hugging him? He's your ex. You were supposed to talk with me Eris. What happened to that?" This teacher seems furious.
   "Don't worry about why I'm hugging him. I didn't respond to your message so I didn't give you a definite answer as to if I was going to talk with you or not. Please stop making a scene and go over there so we can have this chat you so desperately want. Leo, thanks for this convo and I'm glad we got this situated. I'll see you around school." She walks off and the teacher gives me this stank look. What the hell is going on between those two?

Mr.Dolan's POV:
I see Eris talking to her ex. I found out about him from Raven. I got so upset when she refused my hug and hugged her ex-boyfriend Leo. I just wanted to hold her in my arms one last time before I told her about my plans. I guess since she doesn't want me anymore, I should take this opportunity. I think my feelings for Eris are growing much stronger. I want her to be mine. I don't want to leave her. She's my princess..

***3 Days Later***

Eris' POV:
   I hadn't heard from Mr.Dolan in a while. I didn't think he would actually take me serious. It was all just a plan to trick my mom into thinking I was over him. I need to tell him before he really thinks I'm serious. Maybe I should've included him in on the plan, but I had to make it seem realistic. I need to go see him.

   "What is this? Why are there boxes everywhere Mr.Dolan?" I ask looking around the empty classroom. "I'm leaving Eris." He says putting his last item into the box. "Leaving? And going where? You didn't tell me..why?" Why is he leaving? "You didn't give me a chance to explain myself Eris. I wanted to talk to you about me being transferred not about the meeting between your mom and I or why you didn't like me anymore. I was given an opportunity to teach a subject I love at another school. I do love teaching economics here, but at the other school there are more teachers that teach this subject than at this school." He can't be serious.
"So you're just gonna leave? Grayson this was all just a plan. Me saying that I don't like you was all a mistake, it was to trick my mom that day. I had to make it seem realistic. I don't want you to leave Grayson." I cling onto his arm. "It was a what? A plan? You should've included me in on the plan Eris." He pulls his arm away.
"So you're serious?" I ask backing away from him. "Yes I'm serious. I'll be taking my leave. Do good at this school Eris. Goodbye." He picks up his briefcase and heads for the door. "I'm not letting you leave Grayson. I chased after you, I let my feelings escape my thoughts and become a reality. I'm not about to have all this destroyed just cause you're leaving." He stops but doesn't face me. While standing there he says to me, "If you want your feelings to continue to being a reality, then come with me. I'll let those deeper inner thoughts become a reality."

I didn't know whether to follow him or not, but my heart and mind kept telling me the same thing.
It go with him...

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