Chapter 21- Birthday

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Grayson's POV:
   We've arrived at the restaurant. This is Eris' first time coming to this restaurant which is absurd. I'm a regular here. The employees know me on a first name basis.
   The table I reserved for us is on the far left (in the picutre). It has a beautiful view of the ocean and sunset. We came at the right time. There are always so many people here but that's okay. Today there weren't as many.
   "Grayson, how are you?" asks my friend Davis. He's the manager here. "Aye Davis man how are you? I'm well." I reply. "I'm very good. Who's this beauty?" He asks looking at Eris. She blushes. "Her name is mine." I say taking Eris' hand. "Grayson I'm not gonna eat her." Says Davis winking at Eris. "Yea but you eat other girls and she's not about to be part of it. Where's the table I reserved?" Davis is a player. "Got to love the ladies Grayson. Your table is over there. The meal is on me so order whatever you want." At least he's good for something.

   The waiter hands us our menu's and takes our order. Eris orders lamb chops with a side of mashed garlic butter potatoes. Her choice of drink is water. I order Rib Eye Steak with a full baked potato. I chose wine as my drink.
We finish our food and order dessert. Eris and I decided to share since she didn't want a full plate to herself. We ordered this chocolate cake covered with hot fudge and Butter Pecan ice cream. Eris doesn't like chocolate so she ate the ice cream. Occasionally I would have chocolate on the right side of my cheek. Eris would take her finger and wipe it off. She would eat it. She seems to be seducing me and I'm fine with that.
The violinists show up and play a song for Eris and I. It's all part of Davis' plan. Tonight I'm going to ask Eris to be my girlfriend. We've been together since she was 17, as acquaintances, and I think it's about time I ask her to be my girlfriend. Seems like I'm proposing to her, but that'll come later on. I take her hand in mine "Eris there's something I've been meaning to ask you. It's been quite a while now and I'm sure that it's time. Ever since you walked into my class, I just had to have you. I didn't know how and I thank you for taking that risk and being with me. Would you do the pleasure and be my girlfriend?" She's shocked but cheesing so hard. "Grayson. I can't believe you've finally asked me. I was scared you wouldn't. Now that you have, I would love to say..YES". We stand up and Eris hugs me and kisses my face all over. These kisses are all mine.
Cassidy's POV:
It's about time for us to get hella turnt. I have everything prepared. I'm sure Eris is gonna love this.
   " Oh I think that's her at the door."I go to open the door and see Grayson and Eris standing outside. "Why are you here Grayson?" I ask looking him up and down. "I'm just here to drop Eris off. I have to go and get gas for the car. This is Eris's party so I'm going to let her enjoy it with her friends. Her after party will be back at my place. Bye Eris." After party? This is the after party. He's stupid. "Bye Grayson." "Eris let's go upstairs. I have something for you." I take her hand.
   "Your room is very nice. I can't remember the last time I was in here. It was before that Leo incident." Eris looks down. "Eris I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I truly want to love you. You're my best friend Eris. I couldn't ask for a better one." Eris hugs me. She smells so nice. Her skin is so soft; as soft as a baby's butt. "Here! This is your present. I hope you like it!" I hand her a black box. "Oh Cassidy! You didn't have to get me this. Thank you." I got Eris a necklace with the letter  E on it. "Want me to help you put it on?" "Of course Cassidy." This is it Cassidy. This is your chance to show Eris what you're really made of. She loves the necklace, so she must love you too.
   After I help Eris put on the necklace. She looks down at it. She smiles..such a beautiful smile. She turns around to look at me. I can't hold it back anymore. "Why did you just do that?" Do what? "What do you mean Eris? I like you. The feelings are mutual aren't they? You love me too don't you?" "As a friend yes, but I don't LOVE you Cassidy. We're just friends. I'm dating Grayson and I'm not a lesbian." She's dating Grayson?!
"You're what?...Dating Grayson?..."she's crazy. "Yes Cassidy, I'm dating-" I cut her off. "He's your fucking teacher! The fuck you mean you're dating him?!" "What are you yelling for Cassidy? He's not my teacher anymore!" Says Eris. "He was Eris! He's older than you! Are you dumb or what? You know that could be considered as rape? Should I report him for you?...That way we can be together.." I take a step closer to her but she takes a step back. "There's no need to do that. It's not rape and you and I won't be together. What's gotten into you Cassidy? I'm leaving. Thank you for the birthday present." "You're not going anywhere until you tell me you love me. Come here." I grip her wrist causing her to scream. "Shut your fucking mouth! What are you screaming for?! Grayson won't hear you Eris." She tries to fight her way out of my grip.
   "You won't get away with this Cassidy. Grayson won't allow it and neither will I." She spits in my face. "You just have to love me. That's all I'm asking for Eris." "Fuck you Cassidy." "You see..this is why Leo stopped dating you." She hits me in the eye with her other hand. "OUCH! Damn! Eris!" She runs out of my room..I run after her but it's too late. She was already gone. What's gotten into me? Eris I'm so sorry...
   I touch my lips..."that was my first kiss."

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