Chapter 24- Coming Closer

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Flight Attendant:"If you're flight 42 then please walk through the gate. The flight will take off in 30 minutes. Please have everything that you need. Thank you for flying Delta Air."

Grayson's POV:
     "Looks like that's us sweety." I grab our bags and head for the gate. "Grayson I can't believe we're really going here!" She's so excited. "I'll do anything for you Eris. I love to see you happy." "Aww baby." She kisses my lips. "My mom is upset that she's not coming." She says "she can come on the next trip. This one is just for us." I kiss her cheek. "Alright. She's gonna be really happy." "Of course she'll be happy. She'll be with her son in law." I wink. "What do you mean son-in law? You haven't given me a ring so you're not my husband." She pouts. "You always ruin my fun. It's time to board the plane. Our bags are good." "Okay!" She picks up her bags and runs. "Be careful!" I yell in her direction.
     She flops on the bed. "Ah this feels so nice. I'm glad we left at night and got here early. We have the whole day to have fun." "I'm sorry baby, you're gonna have to have fun by yourself. I have to grade these research papers." I recently became a full time college professor. "Ugh then why are we on vacation if you still have to work?" She gets off the bed and goes into the bathroom slamming the door behind her. "I'm sorry! Being a professor isn't easy!" I shout toward the bathroom door. I knew that was going to make her upset. These past few weeks, I've been working and I just now get to see her.

Flashback: 2 weeks ago...

   "What do you mean you won't be here for 2 weeks?" She folds her arms. "Baby. I have to do this. I might get a promotion if I do this. Trust me. I'm not gonna make any bad decisions okay?" I try to console her. "No Grayson. Why are you just now telling me? You're leaving tomorrow morning!" She starts crying. "Come on now. Don't be a baby about it. I'll be back in two weeks." I try to hug her but she pushes me away. She runs upstairs and runs into the bedroom. "Eris baby wait!" I chase after her.

   "Eris? Please open the door. Don't cry please." She's sobbing. "Why don't you just leave right now? You're leaving in the morning. The faster you leave, the better." Damn that hurt. "I'm not leaving you upset with tears in your eyes. Open this door before I do. I want to talk face to face." She opens the door. I walk in a sit on the bed. "Come here." I tell her. I put her on my lap and wrap my arms around her waist. "You know I didn't mean to make you cry. This is just a big opportunity for me and I want it. The promotion will give me $10,000 up front." I wipe her tears and hand her a tissue. "Why didn't you tell me ahead of time?" She blows her nose. "I don't know. I was afraid." "Afraid of what? Me being upset cause you did a good job." She tries to get up but I pull her back down. "You're not going anywhere until I explain myself. Now,  I wasn't afraid of that. I was afraid that they, meaning my job,  wouldn't want to give me this opportunity anymore. I'm doing this for the both of us." "So you wanted to wait it out and see if they'd continue to let you have this opportunity?" She lays her head on my shoulder. "Exactly. You understand me." I kiss her and lay her down. We continue to kiss and she moans. "Grayson?" She pulls away. "I'm sorry, but once I come back, I'll have a surprise for you." She sits up. She loves surprises. "What is it??" She asks full of excitement. "You'll see when I get back. I have to get up early so I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight." 
     That's how we got here. Barcelona, Spain. The view is perfect and the people are out on the town playing instruments and the kids are dancing. Eris stopped before we could enter the hotel to dance with the kids.

   "I'm going to go out and shop." She says putting on her hat. "Alright. If you get hungry, let's eat together.  I'll order room service." I say getting out my briefcase. "Okay. I'm sorry that I got upset. You have to do your job and I understand that." She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me on the cheek. "It's okay. I'll be finished in about 2-3 hours. You look really good by the way. No other man better not think about looking at you." She was wearing a black and white windbreaker, black and white nike's, black leggings, and a white baseball hat. Her hair was just flat ironed too. "If they do, I'll be sure to tell them I have a husband." She giggles. Man she has the cutest smile. "Be safe." I put on my glasses and get ready to work.

"I'm back!" She yells causing me to jump. "Jesus you scared me. Welcome back. Did you buy anything nice?" "Yes I bought some cute undergarments and some new shoes. I got you some sweat pants and some shoes also." She hands me the box of shoes. "Whoa these are Nike! Thanks babe!" I try them on. "I'm glad you like them. I'm gonna try on some of my undergarments." She heads to the bathroom to change. "Change right here. I want to see them too." I lick my lips. "Grayson, the window is wide open and I'm not about to change in front of you." She says. "Why not? You can change in front of me. I'm not gonna judge you." I walk closer to her but she backs away. "I'm not comfortable with doing that Grayson." She looks out the window. "Well I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to." I step away. "Thank you." She gets ready to walk into the bathroom.
"What about when we have sex? Will you not want me to see your body?" I ask her. She stands there shocked. She raises an eyebrow. "We don't have to. I'm just saying that if the time comes, what will you do? I want to make love to you Eris." I sound forceful right now. "If the time comes then it comes. I won't reject you. Yes, I'll feel uncomfortable because it'll be my first time." She walks towards me.

Eris' POV:
"What if it hurts? I'm scared Grayson." I ask him. "I'll take care of your body. Of course I'll be as careful as possible. For some people it hurts and for some it doesn't." He takes off his reading glasses. He's just standing there with no shirt on. "I'm sure it'll hurt for me. Thinking about that pain makes me worry." I look down. He comes towards me and I get ready to step away but he grabs my hand and pulls me close causing us to kiss. "It doesn't hurt to kiss." He says in between kisses. "Yea I know." "It doesn't hurt for me to hold your hand." He says. "It doesn't hurt for me to hug you. I understand if you don't want to have sex. I'll have you when you're ready. I can wait so don't worry." He's so sweet. I want him.

"Grayson. I've wanted you ever since I first met you." His jaw drops. "What do you mean? You've wanted to have sex for the last 3 years?" "Yes. I was ready on Valentine's Day when I was 17, but it didn't happen, plus I was too young. Now I'm ready. I'm scared, but if it's you then I think I'll be okay." I hug him. If Grayson is the one to take my virginity, then I'm fine with it. I love him. I love him to death.

"If you're ready for me to do this for you, then I'll be honored to." He smiles at me. He has such a sweet smile. "Please be gentle with my body." I say looking into his beautiful eyes.

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