Chapter 14- Painful Pecks

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Eris's POV:
   I slowly get up off the ground. My side is bleeding a little. Janet's heels were sharp. It cut my skin. While griping my side, I hear Janet and Grayson yelling. This is all my fault.

   I need to leave this room this instant. I grab a jacket to cover up my body but mostly the blood and head towards the emergency room. As I get into the car, I see Janet walking out of the hotel. Her eyes bloodshot red. Coming after her was Grayson. What was he about to do?

   Grayson pulls her into a hug. My heart sinks further down. He grabs her hand. I feel something fall onto my arm,  a teardrop.

Grayson's POV:
   I walk past Eris as she lies on the floor. I knew that was a huge mistake, but I was already locked in the bathroom with Janet.

   If Janet doesn't stop yelling, the police will arrive. "Janet! Can you tone it down a bit please?!" I ask her
"Why is Eris here Grayson? I just want to know that." She sits on the bathtub rim. "She's here cause I asked her to come." "I want to know why you asked her." She says. "I like her." I say looking down. "You what? Like her? Absurd!" She huffs. "It's not absurd. She treats me better than you ever could have. She's full of so much life unlike you. You're older than me." This struck a nerve. She hates hearing about her age.

   She pulls out the pregnancy tests. "Let's find out right now." A few minutes later, we flip over the two pregnancy tests. The first one says positive. The second one says negative. "Well which one are you?" I ask picking up the pregnancy tests. "How am I supposed to know Grayson? That's what pregnancy tests are for. We'll have to go to the doctors and see."

   There's still one more pregnancy test in the bag. "Do the third one Janet. We need to know." I tell her. "No, let's just go find out at the doctors." She grabs the tests. "Fine. I hope you're not pregnant cause I don't want kids with you." She started crying. "You didn't have to be so blunt about it!" She leaves. I get ready to chase after her but before I start, I notice Eris isn't here. Where did she go? I run out the door.

Janet's POV:
   How could Grayson say that to me? He already cheated and now he hopes I'm not pregnant. I won't make him stay with me even if I am pregnant. A cheater like him doesn't deserve to be around his child.

   As I run out the door, I see Eris getting into Grayson's car. She's clenching her left side. I guess that kick to the side did her some good. She deserved it.

   Grayson calls after me. This is my chance to show that skank a thing or two.

  "Janet. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He gives me a hug. I know that skank is looking. I pull back and kiss Grayson on the lips. He is shocked. I fix his hair a little and walk off. "I'll call you when I schedule our doctor appointment for the baby." I say loudly making sure she heard it.

   "She better stay away from my man Eris. I'll kill you if I have to."

Grayson's POV:
   Janet just kissed me? I expected her to be furious with me...I sigh and get ready to turn around when I see Eris sitting in my car. She's staring dead at me. I get ready to take a step towards the car but she backs out of the parking lot. I jump off the side walk making it seem like I'm about to chase after the car.

   It's almost 9:00pm and Eris hasn't come back. I've tried calling her but she sends my phone calls to voicemail. Did she drive off with my car and leave me here? Did she get into a car crash? Why won't she answer?

   I can't just sit here. I need to find her. I get off the bed and head for the door but it opens. To my surprise, it's Eris. She's carrying a ton of bags. Did she go grocery shopping?

   "Eris where have you been?" I ask her. She doesn't respond. "Eris!" I yell. "There are some bags in the car. Can you go get the rest of them for me?" I head towards the kitchen. Why is she acting different? I follow her into the kitchen. I get ready to ask her something but she just tells me to go get the bags.

   We unpack all the groceries and I finally get a chance to talk to her. As we're chilling on the bed, I call out to her. "Eris.." I say quietly. "What would you like for dinner Grayson? Want to order room service or do you want me to cook?" She gets up.

   "Eris sit down and stop avoiding me!" She looks down at me and says, "I'm not avoiding you, you're avoiding me." What did she mean? "What do you mean I'm avoiding you?" I ask baffled at her response. "I'm okay Grayson if that's what you want to know. How's Janet? Does she know if she's pregnant?" "Eris I need to see what she did to you. Let me see your side. And I don't care about Janet right now. Turn around."

She sits back on the bed. I slowly lift up her white t-shirt. On the left side of her back, I see a large, purple bruise and a couple of stitches. I run my index finger across her stitches causing her to twitch a little.

It must be so painful for her. This is all my fault.

"I'm sorry Eris. This is my fault. I shouldn't of left you on the floor like that." I say still touching her bruise. "It's my fault Grayson. I should've not pursued you. I should of held my feelings in." I kiss her bruise. My lips move across her bruise until the very end.

   "Eris. This bruise...this bruise, I'm so sorry." I say crying.

She stands up. "We need to end this Grayson. I'm not running away from you; I know this is right."she pulls down her shirt. "Eris wait a minute." I say. "No Grayson. Janet could be pregnant and you don't need anything distracting you from taking care of that baby. I would like to go home as soon as possible. Tonight would be a good time to leave."

   "Eris, I need you now more than ever. Just stay here with me tonight. We can leave tomorrow can't we? I understand how you feel and you understand how I feel too. We need each other this very moment." Please Eris..

   I get up from my bed to my knees. My knees bending into the mattress, I wrap my arms around her waist being cautious I won't hit her bruise.

   In the window, I see her reflection looking back at me. The moonlight shinning on her face and tears running down her cheeks, she's hurt and so am I..

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