Set It Off {1}

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*Imagine her eyes are green*

Chapter 1:
Lux was furious. No seething.

"NO! Not in a million years." she yelled at her grandfather.

"Watch your tone young lady." he replied threateningly.

She scoffed. "I will not marry that dumbass."

"Language, Aluxandra."

"For the billionth time, I go by Lux! I have never gone by Aluxandra and you know it."

"If that is the name that my son gave you, then I will call you it."

"Actually my mom came up with it, and my parents both call me Lux. Your own wife calls me Lux. The entire kingdom calls me Lux."

"Well, that dreadful woman may call you that but I will call you by your birth given name."

"Then I'm leaving."

The purple-haired girl got up abruptly, almost knocking down the chair, and walked out the conference.

"Aluxandra can go to hell." she muttered under her breath.

"Lux!" a voice called from down the hall.

Footsteps sounded down the hall until they were right next to the girl. As soon as she saw the blonde hair and blue eyes, Lux knew exactly who it was.

"Callen, what's up?" she asked her younger brother.

"What did Grandpa tell you?" he prodded, completely ignoring her question.

"He wants me to marry Zane."

"Yeah, that's not happening. My sister will not be associating herself with any of that family."

"Exactly. But he claims that by marrying Zane, I could stop the threatening war."

"That's such bull."

"I know. We all know that they are going to get their asses beat if they try to fight us."

"We going to tell Mom and Dad."


They rounded a corner and headed down to the library where they knew their father would be. Their mother would most likely be hanging with their aunt, Evie.

They walked into the gigantic library and saw their dad sitting in the chair reading a large book.

"Hey Dad." Lux said and sat beside him.

Ben sat his book down and looked at his children. "What do you kids need?"

Lux and Callen looked at each other then back at him. "How do you know we need something?" Callen asked.

"Because that's the only time you ever bother me in the library." Ben replied and laughed.

The girl frowned when she thought of what to say to her father. "Dad, Grandpa is..."

"Your Grandpa is what?"

"TryingtomarrymeofftoZane." she said super quickly.

"What was that, Violet?"

Truth be told, Lux was a daddy's girl. She didn't like telling him bad news. She was tough everywhere except with her parents and brother, especially her dad.

"He's trying to marry me off to Zane." she said again slower.

Ben shook his head. "My little girl is NOT marrying that asshole."

Lux smiled. That's not something her dad would usually say. That was usually her mom.

"Who's an asshole?" a melodic voice asked.

They all looked to the doorway and saw Mal leaned against it. She had aged beautifully and didn't look a day over 25 with rich purple hair and bright green eyes that looked like Lux's.

"Zane, grandson of the former Grand Duke of Weaseltown." Callen said.

"I thought they weren't allowed on our borders since the 'Duke's' banishment." Mal replied and looked at her husband.

"They're attempting to declare war. Dad is trying to forge a marriage between Lux and Zane to 'stop it'." Ben explained.

"Yeah, that is NOT happening!"

"I guess Callen can marry Zane's sister, Nicola, then."

Hey y'all! I'm so excited to write this because Lux and Callen are baë! (And they're Bal's kids)

I need to clarify that Adam (Ben's dad) doesn't like Mal and never really has. He blames her for Ben's almost death and the War of the Lost (that fight in the last book).

Now I'm going to put all the kids:

Bal: Aluxandra "Lux" (21) and Callen (17)

Devie: Doug Jr. (14) and Mal (18)

Lonlos: Sean (15) and Carlo (7)

Auday: Lilliana "Lilli" (19) and Jason (16)

Jatos (Jane and Thanatos): Athena (18) and Caroline (7)

Melcul: Maegan (19) and Dracul Jr. (17)

QOTC: Are y'all excited for this book?

SOTC: Young Volcanos by Conor Ball (Original by FOB)

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