Set it Off {2}

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^Imagine his eyes are blue>
Chapter 2:
Everyone turned to see Adam standing in the doorway. Ben and Mal stepped in front of their children who were glaring at their grandfather.

"He will do nothing of the kind." Ben snapped.

"Actually I've already accepted the deal on your behalf. It's either Aluxandra and Zane or Callen and Nicola." the former king replied.

"You asswipe!" Lux exclaimed. "I would rather be stabbed in the heart than marry that douche, and you will have to go through me if you want to get to Callen."

"I recommend you get on my side, Aluxandra. You don't want the kingdom to have less people, do you?"

"Go to effing hell. You're not king anymore, Beast."

"I am, and as King, I hereby forbid you from going near my children or making decisions for me." Ben declared.

"Fine, but one of you will be planning a wedding." Adam finished and stomped out of the room.

Mal turned to her husband. "Something's wrong with him." she whispered.

"I know."
Lux stomped to her bedroom and slumped onto her purple bed. Her life was so effed up.

She heard a knock on her door and mumbled a "Come in."

The door opened to reveal her best friends: Mal, Lilli, Caroline, Athena, and Maegan.

Lux smiled slightly at the girls' horrified faces; they must have heard the news. They hurriedly sat down the bed and on some of the chairs that they pulled up close.

"So is it true? That he want you to marry Zane?" Lilli asked.

Lux nodded and looked down at her lap.

"Wow, you must be really upset if you don't talking." Maegan chuckled.

The purple-haired girl smiled and smacked her in the face with a pillow.

Soon, it became an all out pillow war. Not a fight. A war.

Lux sat up abruptly in her bed. She knew immediately that there would be no more sleep tonight. Her dreams were filled with a thing that she never expected to dream about.

A boy.

Lux never thought about boys unless she was thinking of someone in her family or friend group.

A boy? Really?

The truly odd thing about the dream was what she was doing.

It was almost...well...

"Lux?" a voice whispered.

The girl looked up and saw her mother standing in the doorway.


"Please get up immediately. I need to show you something."

Lux did as she was told and slipped out of bed. She walked over to her pajamas-clad mother and started following beside her.

"Where are we going?" the curious girl asked.

"You'll see."

They walked down many hallways until they seemed to reach a dead end.

Mal smiled as she saw her daughter look around confused. She pushed a brick in, and the wall started turning.

Lux gasped in surprise when she saw the mere size of the room. It was huge.

She saw that Callen and her dad were already in the room seemingly waiting for them.

They entered the room and stopped in front of the boys.

"Mom, Dad, what are we doing in here?" Callen asked.

"You're leaving."

That cliffhanger.

I don't really have anything to say other than that's Callen in the media...

QOTC: What do you think is happening?

SOTC: Dare You To Move (The Voice Performance) by Evan McKeel (Original by SwitchFoot)

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