Set It Off {3}

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Chapter 3:
"Wait, slow your roll. What do you mean we're leaving?" Lux questioned.

"Until we get this marriage controversy over with, you two are going to visit your Great Aunt Michelle." Ben answered.

Lux and Callen hadn't see her in forever.

"And where does she live exactly?" Callen asked.

"In Terra."

"I'm refuse to go there. Why would she decide to live there of all places?"

"Please Lux. You must go. As of right now, one of you is required to marry. Until this is sorted out, Chelle's is the best place to be."

The girl sighed. "Fine."

"While you're there, you're going to have to buy some new clothes."

"Why? I have jeans?"

"Yes, but we won't be able to send your bags to you."


"Now let's go." Ben said and led them over to a door.

"A door? Really?" Lux stated sarcastically.

Ben rolled his eyes and opened the door. Behind it was what looked to be a living room.

The King stuck his head in. "Michelle?"

"Ben, is that you?" a voice asked.

"Yes, Aunt Michelle. I'm here with my wife and children."

"Oh, Mal's here! Did I ever tell you how happy I am that you married her?"

"Yes, a million times."

An older woman walked around the corner and stopped in the living room. She wiped her hands on her apron and looked at us.

"Which are Aluxandra and Callen?" the woman asked.

Callen and Lix stepped forward.

"You two have definitely grown." she walked forward and stopped directly in front of me. "You, Aluxandra, look so much like your mother."

The girl smiled. "Please call me, Lux. And I've been told that on many occasions." She looked at her mother and smiled again.

Michelle then turned to Ben and Mal. "What's my brother been up to?"

"That's the reason I want Lux and Callen to stay here a while. My father is trying to force one of them to marry one of our enemies' children to stop a war from breaking out."

"That's not the job of children. Children should be protected above anyone."

"I hope that it's not too much of a bother for them to stay here." Mal changed the subject.

"Of course. I need to spend some time with my niece and nephew after all this time."

Mal smiled and turned to her children. She hugged them and Ben did the same.

"We will see you soon." Mal whispered in her daughter's ear.

"I know."

After Mal and Ben left, Michelle gave the kids a tour of her house. It was quite capacious but didn't take a lot of time to tour.

Lux and Callen slumped on the couch in exhaustion. It had been a long night.

"You two go up the guest bedrooms. You need some sleep." Michelle advised.

They nodded and headed up the stairs.

Once Lux was in a bedroom, she passed out on the bed.

Sunlight flooded into the room from the window through the thin curtains. It also happened to be shining directing in Lux's face. She groaned and pulled the covers over her head.

A minute later, she heard a knock on the door. She groaned again and basically fell off the bed.

She army crawled to the door and stood up slowly to open it. On the other side was Michelle. In her arms were clothes.

"I got these from neighbor's daughter. She should be over at some time today."

Lux nodded and took the clothes. She shut the door and walked back over to the bed.

Might as well get ready. I'm already up. she thought.

She laid the clothes out on the bed and looked at them. The outfit consisted of a floral, short top and a black lace skirt. Definitely different from what she wore in Auradon.

She slipped her night clothes off and put on the new ones. They fit almost perfect except the skirt was little tight on her hips.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at it. The top showed off her flat stomach and the skirt actually looked good.

Maybe Terra wouldn't be so bad.

QOTC: What do you think about Mal and Ben sending Lux and Callen away?

SOTC: If I Die Young by The Band Perry

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