Chapter 6

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Wonwoo's POV

Im really pissed off right now. Seriously, why do tuesday hates me so muuuuuch?! As I walk down the corridor I saw the boys and a girl.... A girl behind DK?! I thought he hasnt move on? Is he using her?

"What's going on here?" I ask as I approach them. As DK's older brother I still have to look after him. After all he's still a kid.
"None of your bussiness" he spat
"Dont be like that" a girl... No its the girl at his back who spoke.

"Nothing happen really" she said as she tried to smile. She look familiar...

"You! You're our new neighboor? Right?" I ask her. Im DK's half brother. He stays with our mom. And I stay with my dad. His mom is my dad's first wife but they got divorce because his mom got pregnant by other men.

"Uh yes" she said and smile. She's pretty.
"What's your name again?" I ask her
"Young-Ae. Choi Young-Ae" she said.
"Oh okay so see you later!" I wave good bye. As I turn to leave
"Wait! Would you like to come with us?" She ask. I look at her then look at DK.
"No its okay" I said. I know DK is kind of mad at me and I dont know why.
"Please? Besides we both have the same address?" She said unsure. What to do?
"Uhm well ask DK" I said. I look at Dk. Also the girl look at him even his whole friends. From mad he looks at the girl and his face have those toothy smile
"Can he... come?" The girl ask.
"Ugh... if you want to" he said. The girl smile again.
"He said yes" she said. That's not what Dk said. But then again...
"Okay lets go?" Seungkwan said. I know him. He's part of the choir.
"Yeah!" They cheered. We went to the parking lot.

"You can ride in my car if you want" I suggested. I notice that Dk didnt have his car.
"Really?" The girl ask.
"Yes if its okay with DK" I said.
"Would you want?" She ask him. Again a long moment of silence before he answered
"Sure. You take the back seat. I'll take the side of the driver" he said.

We walked infront of my car and we get in. We drove off to the nearest mall. We reach the ice cream parlor and the others are ordering.

"What do you like?" DK ask.
"Uhm vanilla" the girl said.
"You?" He said looking at me.
"Bubble gum" I said as I give him my money
"My treat" he said. I just smile.

As our orders is being serve my phone ring.

"Mingyu calling" it says in the screen. What now?

"Excuse me I have to answer this" I said as I get up.

"Hello?" I said.
"Won...woo" I heard mingyu said. What is he doing? Running?
"What now Mingyu Im in the middle of a bonding with my little brot...." I was cut off by Mingyu
"Joshua.... he got a fight with DK and he said he will give a fight sooner or later" he said. What?! Nobody messes with my little brother.
"When did you knew this?" I ask
"Awhile ago. I heard them talk as I pee in the lavatory" he said.
"By the way why are you panting?" I ask
"Im in the gym sherlock" he said. I forgot he always went to gym after class.
"See you tomorrow buddy. Enjoy your bonding with your little brother" he said as the line got cut.

Mingyu is the only bestfriend I got. He knows everything with me. I went back inside and  notice DK hasn't eaten his ice cream.

"Why arent you eating your ice cream?" I ask.
"Dont feel like it" he said. I went to the other side and gave him my ice cream.

"Bubble gum is better when its raining" I said. I still know his favorite ice cream. He never liked strawberry flavored ice cream. He took it and change with his. We both like the bubble gum flavored ice cream. And he scoops and taste the bubble gum his eyes glitters with happiness. How I miss the old times. How we run, how we wrestle and joke around. Everything. I miss everything. Even my mom. How I wish I could see her. But maybe she forgot me already. DK wont forget me, that's for sure. I can still see the bracelet we bought together in the park before we got in the roller coaster. He never removed it.

As time goes by. Its 10 pm already. And the rain hasn't stop yet.

"Common you can stay at my house" I said.
"Can we?" Seungcheol corrected.
"Yes" I answered. Even if it takes one hundred people to sleep in my house for my brother to say yes then its okay. Im still his older brother. I still care.
"Really?" Dino said. I dont know if I could consider him as my cousin.
"Yes common she's a little sleepy" I said as I pointed to the girl yawning.

They stand up and we went to our cars. I lowered the air condition to make sure DK's not cold. We drove for 25 minutes and I called mingyu.

"Hello?" Mingyu said.
"Yah! Prepare the guest room and prepare extra clothes." I demanded.
"Okay okay for how many?" He ask.
"7" I said.
"Oka... what?!" He shouted
"Just do it" I ask then cut the call. I notice DK's eyes.

"That's mingyu. He's my bestfriend. Ever since dad have long bussiness meetings out of the country he trusted him to accompany me" I explain as I took a turn to Young-Ae drive way.

"Just drive their. The next house with a white gate" I told them. As Dk helped the girl.

"Thanks! Bye!" She said to me. I just smile. She said her goodbye to Dk and went inside. DK ride again and I drove.

"Keep yourself at home" I said as I went upstairs to check the rooms. Mingyu prepared everything I ask.

"You can choose the room. It will be 4 to 3 members" I said. But I should know better than that. Dk is afraid of thunders.

"Uhm no wait it will be 3-3, DK will sleep in another room" I said. They all look shock but comply.
"DK common I'll show you the room" I said. He have a frown on his face but nevertheless he stood up and followed me.

"This is my room. You can sleep in the bed. I'll sleep in the sofa" I said. He nooded and went in. I check the others and they're all knocked out. I thank Mingyu and went to my room. Dk is also fast asleep. I went to the sofa and make myself comfortable. I'll do anything for my little brother. He's still my little brother.
Ohhhh how sweet of mingyu and wonwoo. Lol I ship them and I dont know why.♡♡

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