Chapter 11

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Dk's POV

We headed home after we dropped off Seungcheol in his house.

"So, Mingyu..." I called Mingyu
"Yeah?" He answered.
"I heard Jeonghan was in the council room awhile ago" I stated. I saw the way he flinch. So its true? He's gay?
"Ah yes he said he have something" He answered as he made a U-turn

"And that is?" I asked again giving my full attention.
"That he have a crush on this person but he doesnt know how or why. And that person almost give him a heart attack just by smiling at him directly" He explained. So?
"And?" I ask further.
"And I dont know what to do. Like okay, I dont know who the guy is" he said as he makes another turn.

"Did he say the name?" I ask carefully. Seungcheol just wants to know who is Jeonghan's crush like okay he's gay but... Oh god my head is so full of things.
"No. Anyways why did you ask?" He ask me.
"Oh nothing. Seungcheol just told me he saw Jeonghan" I half lied.

Here's the reason why I ask.


So Mingyu ran out of the room to come at Wonwoo's aid. Okay that's weird. I mean he really likes Wonwoo I knew it but he always denies it that's why I hate Wonwoo. But just then I realize Wonwoo really doesnt know Mingyu likes him.

"Anyways Seokmin I saw Jeonghan awhile ago..." Seungcheol said. This boy seriously! Cant he help me first?
"And?" I ask bored
"I heard he has a crush. I hope its me!" He said happily.

"Okay first Help me. Second NO WAY SEUNGCHEOL! NO FUCKING WAY!" I literally shout. No, if they date I would probably puke. Not that they aren't ugly or something.. Its just that....
"Will you stop being all sassy? I mean this is my happines just be happy with me" he said. I understand.
"Okay. Im sorry but please Seungcheol, Jeonghan is straight I dont wanna see you heartbroken" I explained. Well, for me Jeonghan is a little negative... I mean he dates girl. Dating is like a puzzle game to Jeonghan. If the girl fits and lucky enought maybe he'll spare her for atleast 3 months and if she's a bad luck will she'll be dumped the next hours. That's how Jeonghan plays. So I better not let Seungcheol date him if ever or else I dont know what to do.

"So what did Joshua wants from you?" Seungcheol ask as he looks at the picture of Jeonghan in his phone.
"I dont know. I mean he probably didnt know I knew Young-Ae if thats the case. I can see he likes her" I said as cold as I can be. I mean I dont know why should I protect her? If Joshua is out there hunting her like a hungry madman.
"So... You're okay with that?" He ask again. Oh god stop.

"Seungcheol... You know how badly I was hurt when Minhye chose Joshua over me. You were there when I lose all my sanity. Do you think I wanna be like that for the same reason? Im just gonna give Young-Ae to Joshua rather than give myself hopes up or something that will surely break me and make me crazy. I dont want to go back to number 1 again. Seungcheol" I said as I put the ointment in my bruises. This hurts I swear.

"So what's with the holding hands thing? And the being all sweet in the room and dont forget you two dates inside Wonwoo's house" he said. I know its kind of confusing.
"Molla. It feels right to do it. But I cant love her. I cant even protect her you know. Joshua knows all my weakness" I said as I try to think if he really likes her I mean its pretty obvious though.

"So are you trying to say.. That it doesnt matter to you? All the things?" He ask again.
"Yeah. It doesnt" I said. It does matter. I just dont want to talk about it.

"Oh okay anyways going back.... Could you ask Mingyu who is Jeonghan's crush? For me" he said with pleading yes.
"Seriously Seungcheol? Does it matter to you?" I ask annoyed.
"Yes it does." He said. I heave a sigh. What should I do?!

"Okay but you gotta pay me. Its hard you know. Mingyu isnt that easy to talk your way out. You know he has his ways of knowing things" I explained. Well, its true.
"Sure whatever you want" He said.

/End of flashback/

"We're here" I heard Mingyu said as he stop infront of Wonwoo's house.

You know why I hate Wonwoo? He can be a big brother to me but not to Mingyu. I mean its pretty obvious Mingyu likes him but that stubborn brother of mine cant see it. He's pretty lucky Mingyu put up so much to be with him. He cares for my brother, he saves his ass down to his own father, he's always there. You know. Its like if you see Wonwoo around probably you're going to see Mingyu too.

I walk with Wonwoo inside. The maids prepared the dinner as Wonwoo and Mingyu went upstairs. Probably going to change. I'll change later Im just hungry. I already texted my mom saying I was in Wonwoo's house and that he's father  wasn't here. I waited for them for like forever. What are they doing? Is Wonwoo that badly hurt?

*beep beep*

Oh someone texted me. This is unexpected because they know I hate them texting me.

"Did he told you already?" I read. Its from Jeonghan. What? Who?
"The what? Jeonghan" I replied oh god dont tell me..
"That I went to the council room awhile ago and confess my heart?" He said. Okay so this is confusing. Is he crushing to Mingyu?
"And who will tell me this?" I replied back as I comfortably sits on one of the sofa

"Seungcheol.. I saw him awhile ago" He replied back.

Okay this got me. First Seungcheol's the one who told me this. Now, its Jeonghan. Why not ask him directly?

"Yes he already told me Jeonghan. And why does it matter to you? Is he your crush or something?" I replied back. It doesnt take a minute when he replied.

"No! Ofcourse not" he replied.
"Okay Jeonghan. Im going to eat now. Bye." I said. He didnt reply back maybe he figure out Im pissed.

I mean who wouldnt? Seungcheol! This is all your fault! Okay now, I have to think of a way not to offend Young-Ae but I need to distant myself. Second find out Jeonghan's crush and not being caught. Third I need to knock some senses to Wonwoo's head to recognize Mingyu's love. So what am I here? A loner or something?

"Common lets eat Seokmin" Mingyu shout as he helped Wonwoo walk down the stairs.
"Okay!"I said as I put all the things behind my mind.

The Bad Boy and The InnocentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon