Chapter 9

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Jeonghan's POV

"So did you make it? Or what?" Joshua keeps on asking Hansol if he did his job
"You bastard! Ofcourse I did. Can't you see this fucking black eye?" Iritated Hansol answered.
"Good. Anyways did Wonwoo punch you? The fist seems to be more big than usual. I always saw how Wonwoo fist shape is" Joshua ask again. Is he trying to make Hansol mad or something?

"Hey man why are we ea... Whooaaa what happened?" Jun that usually early came late today.
"Well its that gay guy who punch me. Damn he hit hard" Hansol said. Gay? So its Mingyu?
"Is it.... Kim Mingyu?" I asked
"Who else? Damn" Hansol said as he puts the ice bag on his eye.

Well, I already saw Young-Ae. When she fainted because Seungkwan carried her. As I remember it, she have panick attacks but I dont know when or how it occurs..

"Well, Jeonghan we need your help" Jun said dismissing me and my thoughts about Young-Ae.
"You remember what Jun said?" Joshua ask.

"Hey man!" We heard a voice shouts so I stand up to look outside.
"Hey Wonwoo hyung so..." I zoned out everything and just focus to that man named... Seungcheol or S.Coups.

Yes Im gay and I like Seungcheol. He's so manly and he can protect anyone he loves. I know how Mingyu feels. The only problem is that Mingyu is close to Wonwoo and Im not close to Seungcheol. Im a little jealous because of that but what can I do? I cant just leave Jun with Joshua. He might do something to him. Ask him to do stupid things, look at what Hansol get for just throwing a cold water to Seokmin, he got a black eye and I bet Wonwoo will beat his ass.

Wonwoo is known for being protective with his little brother a.k.a my cousin a.k.a Seokmin.

"Hey Jeonghan!" I heard Seungcheol shouts as he pass by in our room. My heart skip a beat.
"He..y" I said as I hung my head low.

"Like what you see?" Jun teasingly whisper to my ear.
"Shut up" I said as I take my previous sit.

"So as what I just said what could I possibly feel towards Young-Ae?" Joshua ask
"Probably you like her" Jun said.
"Wait... What?!" I yelled a little bit loud though.
"Well, whenever I see her with Seokmin I feel jealous or hurt or mad. I dont know that girl just drives me crazy" Joshua said as he stands up.
"And what are you planning to do this time? Take her away too?" Hansol ask.

"Well, I want her so probably I'll get her" Joshua said with a smirk. No, he wont do this. He wont go to this extent right?

"Just like what you did with Min Hye?" I ask.
"Just like what I did with Min Hye" he repeated. No, just no. Maybe I'll say yes if he will make Seokmin's life hard but doing the same thing to Seokmin?

Did he have amnesia or what? Did he forget how Seokmin get stressed so much he almost killed himself.

"Uhm I think that's not a good idea" I heard Jun said.
"Why not?" Joshua dumbly ask
"Have you forgotten he almost killed himself? Because you took away Min Hye to him? Or you had brain surgery?" Jun said. I nodded my head again.

Joshua stay silent as if he's thinking. He furrowed his eye brows. And he laughs. This crazy guy. Seriously?

"And so? Did you think I care? All I care is that Young-Ae will love me. Not if Seokmin kill himself or what" he said as he hums. I tried hard to stop myself from punching this douche bag. I know I hated Seokmin, but I wont let Joshua do something that will make Seokmin lose his sanity.

"Dumb ass" Jun whispered.

As our class has started I cant get off Seungcheol's voice in my head. He's Seokmin's friend and I know him for more than a year. But he didnt know Im gay even Wonwoo and Mingyu. Actually Jun is the only one who knows it.

"Class we have some announcement. Mr. Choi you can come in now" I heard my teacher said. I was wide eyed anticipating Seungcheol's fgure walking flawlessly infront of me.

"Hi goodmorning co-batchmate so as the vice president of the Student council, on behalf of them I wanna announce that we will have our halloween ball" he said. Wow, what a waste of money. Seriously?
"So Im asking if you have any representative here?" He asked again.

"We can have Jeonghan" I heard Jun said.
"What?" I whispered yell to Jun.
"Oh yes, is that okay Mr. Yoon?" I was shocked to say the least. Seungcheol was standing infront of my seat.
"Well.. I... Uhm.. I..." I cant make a straight sentence because of the closeness.

"Is he okay?" Seungcheol ask our adviser. Mr. Park just nodded his head saying its fine if I will join.
"Then it settled now. See you later at the north hall Mr. Yoon" he said as he wrote my name to the piece of paper he's holding.

"Wait...!" I shouted as I run after him.
"Yes?" He ask.
"How... How... How about my partner?" I ask as I tried not to look at him. Damn Jeonghan dont lose yourself
"Oh you dont need a partner. You'll Get your partner later! Hope your luck!" He shoutes as he waves his arms in the air and he disappears immediately coming in in the next room which is Wonwoo's room

"...Well good luck" I whisper as I make my way to our classroom.

As soon as I sit in my chair Jun look at me and wink.

"Why would you do that?!" I whispered yell to him.
"Its your chance! Be thankful I shout your name" he said ugh his cockiness is really annoying.
"Well dumbass you could have shout your own name if you want to be there" I retort back.

We just keeps on bickering until lunch. As I cant still hold the sense on becoming a part of halloween ball. What would happen if Im not the representative? Ugh, Jeonghan.... I need some advice or tips. I need Mingyu. I should talk to him but how? Am I insane? No, but I am sure Im going crazy.

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