Chapter 15

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Seungkwan's POV

"Are you okay?" Scoups ask me worriedly. I didnt answer because I just cant burt out that awhile ago when Vernon talk to me he's face is literally one inch away and if I talk I swear he'll get my first kiss. And I dont want that
"Seungkwan! Vernon! Your turn!" Myungho said as he gave us one each of the drink.

I literally drink it straight wishing I could forget Vernon's face. We keep playing it till one by one we started to doze off. Soonyoung hyung was the first to be knocked out. Then Jun was the second. Scoups and Myungho stayed a little longer. Saying that they wont lose at their dongsaengs. Jeonghan was knocked out after drinking his 13th shot. So Me, Vernon, Scoups and Myungho were the only one who is up and its 5 am.

"I call it. Two versus two. Drink all you can" Scoups said as he get all the remaining drinks. We still got 6 full bottles.
"Call" Vernon said.

Seriously? He can still drink?

"Are you sure?" I ask to him whispering.
"Yes. Why?" He ask.
"Nothing. Let's do this" I said. He nooded

"Make a bet" Myungho said.
"Hmmm if we win treat us anything we want" Vernon suggested.
"Call" Scoups said.
"Game!" Myungho said.

And that started the messy battle within hyungs and dongsaeng. It took us 45 minutes to finish it all. But we won.

"We won! We won!" I shouted happily.
"Yeheeeeey!" Vernon shouted as he hugs me.

Scoups hyung was knocked after drinking 6 glasses and Myungho was knocked out drinking his 9th glass. We finish the remaining 6 shots and took a picture proof that we didnt lose. We help each other to carry our hyungs to the rooms after we clean the room.

"Im gonna sleep here" Vernon said making me look at him
"What?" I ask.
"I said Im gonna sleep here you take the last room" He said as he lays on the sofa and taking Scoups plushie as his pillow. Ohh poor boy. Should I ask him that we should share the room? But.. Well he's different. But still..

"Its just tonight..." I remember what Soonyoung hyung said. Right! Its just today. We can share the room besides we had fun didnt we?
"Just share the room with me you cant sleep here" I said.
"Why not?" He ask me.
"Well this is not a room for sleeping come on dont ask those irrational question its past 6 we should sleep" I said as I turn around walking towards the door.

I heard light footsteps behind me. I smiled silently. I open the door and waited for him to reach me. We exit the room bowing to the maids we pass by.

"Take the bed I'll take the sofa" he said. What's with him and the sofa??? Does he always sleeps in the sofa?
"No no take the bed" I said as I went in the bathroom taking a quick shower to get rid of the smell.

After taking a bath I wear some pajamas and a white v neck shirt. Scoups hyung always puts some extra clothes in their guest rooms. Looking one last time in the mirror I open the door and walk out. Seeing Vernon was knocked out in the bed. I open the aircon and went on the other side of the bed. Closing my eyes almost immediately as I feel the soft pillow in my head

/wakes up/

I woke up because Im cold. I look around me as a small light comes inside the room. Whoooaaaa its late? Ughh hang over is never really a good feeling. I open the little lamb shade beside the table as I look for aspirin.

"Grrrr..." I heard a cluttering teeth. Oh yeah! Vernon is still here.
"Vernon... Are you okay?" I ask him as I stand up and went to switch of the lights. As I open the lights I saw Vernon clutching his stomach and he's pale as if his blood run dry.

''Oh my god! Vernon! Are you okay? Where does it hurts??" I ask panicking as I went to his side holding his hands.

His hands were cold, and his body started to shake.

"Hold on Vernon! Just hold on" I said as I went out of the room.

"Hyung! HYUNG! SCOUPS HYUNG!" I shouted as I open his door. But I heard footsteps from the stairs.
"Seungkwan.. What?" He ask worry is visible in his eyes.
"Hyung! Vernon is uhm I dont know but look!" I said as I drag him to our shared room.

"Oh my God! Call Soonyung quick!" He said as soon as we entered the room he saw Vernon shakes and clutching his stomach.
"Soonyoung hyung!" I shouted as he walks up in the stairs looking at his phone.
"Oh my Seungkwan! Dont do that!" He said as he hits me lightly.
"Soonyoung hyung!" I said as I cant make a straight sentence.
"What?" He ask annoyed
"Ver...non... room!" That's the only thing I said before we heard Scoups hyung

"Get out of the way!" He shouted as he carries Vernon in his arms.
"He... Whoo what happened?" Myungho ask.
"I dont know..." I said as I run to Scoups's side.

Jeonghan and Jun went to. We pile in the cars. And headed straight to the hospital.

"Vernon hold on were almost there" I said as I hold his hands that are wet because of his sweats.
"Co.....ld" He said. Wait what should I do?? I rub my hands to his to make some friction. Body heat. Could that work? Im not really good at science. And I wish I was listening to my teacher instead of sleeping.

"Ppali!" I heard Scoups hyung shout. Okay. I wont going anywhere near that hospital. But Vernon.. But this is not the time to think about my fears. Vernon needs us. For God sake Seungkwan get a hold of yourself!

"Excuse me miss! Help us!" Jeonghan shouted as we tries to get someone's attention.

The nurse immediately help us asking us what happened as she ask for some assistance.

"We just drink last night and when we woke up he's shaking" I explained. Loosing my sanity. Scoups hyung hugs me he knows how I hate hospital. He knows I have a phobia with hospitals but it doesnt matter now. All that matters is Vernon should be okay. He will be okay.

"Shhh okay calm down Im here shhh" Scoups tries to calm me down.
"Hyung..." I said as I didnt stop my tears from falling. First Im afraid because Im inside the hospital. Its really hard I think Im gonna lose my sanity in a matter of second. And secondly Vernon is inside the room and we dont know what is happening.

"Shhh he'll be okay. He'll be alright. Shhhh now" Scoups said as he draws small circle at my back trying to calm me down.

It took me 20 minutes to calm down but I did it. Jun and Myungho just got back from the cafeteria buying us  foods. Jeonghan is quietly sitting. It is really weird at how they're different when they're inside the school and outside of it. Its like we're meeting new people. After all we hated each other for no apparent reason.

"Take this. It will help you calm down" Soonyoung said as he gives me the strawberry milk. I took it and drink it fast. They're my hyungs.. and All I did was hissed at them for being nice to Jeonghan Jun and Vernon. I wronged them but still they care for me. Im a shameful friend.

"Who's the family of Mr. Chwe?" We heard the Doctor said.

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