Chapter 7

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Joshua's POV

Okay today is wednesday and I have to get my revenge on that bitch who just punch me seriously up until now he haven't move on? For pete sake I just play with that girl like I have someone on my eyes.

Young-Ae yes that girl makes me crazy. Her soft hands. Her contagious smile. What spell does she have to make me like this? I just meet her yesterday. And how do she know Dk? Have they meet? Fuck this. I have to get her first. But how? The way she smile when she saw Seokmin yesterday is something. It is full of those shinning things like its her favorite show. Ughhh.

"Joshuaaa...." I heard my friend, Jeonghan.
"Yes?" I asked as I look at him
"All set" he said. Okay now time to get my revenge.

We heard the girls screaming as Dk and his friends entered the school. He was smiling like its the best day of his life... too bad Im going to make it worst.

"Okay be ready" I shout back they cant hear me. Im on the 3rd floor they're on the main ground of our school called locker hallway. We're going to pour a water... a cold water on him. He have allergies in cold water. His skin itch when he showers with cold water. As his bestfriend I know his weakness.

"You do know his weakness after all Joshua" I heard one of my friend.. Jun said.
"Yes probably I spent almost my whole life looking out for him" I answered back.. Its taking too long though. He's talking to someone on his phone and we only have 10 minutes before the class starts.

"We only got 5 minutes left dude common" I heard Jun says...
"We'll continue this at lunch" Jeonghan added. Arrrgh!
"Okay okay" I answered back as I tie the rope.

"What are you doing outside? And what is that?" The school president. A.k.a Dk's brother a.k.a Wonwoo a.k.a The student council president a.k.a school's top student asked as he stands before me.

"Get that rope out" he ordered. I cant untie this rope. Oh my...

"What's going on here?" My teacher ask as he saw us.
"Well I was going to my first class Mr. Kim as I passed here and saw that Joshua is tying that rope" he said with professionality I think Im going to puke.
"What's with the rope? Are you planning to kill yourself or pulling a prank?" Mr. Kim asked me.

I dont know what to say. Wonwoo is known for being protective with Dk. And if he ever find out I was messing with his brother a.k.a my old bestfriend all hell will break loose. Im so dead right now.

"Just untie the rope. And if you have troubles with school you can talk to our guidance or the student council. Is someone bullying you?" Wonwoo ask again.
"Ughh okay. And no Im not. Just having troubles with math" I said as I was untying the rope. Oh god. Whoever gets this cold shower in school Im sorry. Its for DK but his brother is here so sorry.

Wonwoo smiled as he pats my head and the water splash as the rope got loosen.

"What was that?!" I heard Mr. Kim asked as he and Wonwoo look down.

"Principal's office now!" Mr. Kim shouted. Wonwoo have a shock expression nevertheless he snatch my ID. Oh my goooood this is so ugh. I cant even say anything.

"So thats why your tying the rope.. That is a good prank... Unless the guidance is on it Im sorry." Yep our guidance teacher is the one who got the cold water. Bless my soul.

I smiled bitterly as I walked past him. And straight to our guidance for a two hours of lecture to as never do pranks at school and we should study.

After a long discussion was over I went to the cafeteria as it is lunch when our guidance teacher let me go.

"So how was the lecture?" Jeonghan ask.
"Nothing special damn it how did I forgot Wonwoo walk past our room?" I ask no one particular.

"First maybe because you dont get out of our room" Jeonghan said.
"Or second your too much excited to get your revenge you forget to check around" Jun said as he feeds himself
"Or you are an idiot" Vernon chimmed in as he was sitting. The two just nooded aggreing with Vernon.

"Shut up! Is the second plan okay?" I asked
"Yep we're just waiting for you" Jun said.
"Okay.." I said as I ordered someone to buy a drink and give it to Dk but....

"DK! Lets go out" I heard that voice that drives me crazy.. Young-Ae
"No I dont like go with Seungkwan or whoever" he said.
"Never saw him interested with someone for a long time"
"Yeah I agree with you"

Ugh she didnt notice me? Why? What?

"Please? Wonwoo said you like..."
"When I said no! NO stop bugging me!" He shouted at Young-Ae. She looks like she's about to cry when Hoshi, the super hyper in their group hug her and carry her making her laugh as hoshi makes face. Her laugh is like bells ringing in my ears. What do I have to do? Wait he didnt just shout at her like that?! You are so dead to me Seokmin.

"I have to take this later outside our school" I said as I stood up and went out. What is happening to me?

"Are you sure you're okay?" I heard from my left.
"Yes Im okay hoshi dont worry maybe he woke up at the wrong side of his bed.. That little eyed guy" Young-Ae answer as she laugh with her mini joke with Hoshi who is holding her too much for my liking but I cant just go there snatch her and punch him. Today is too much for me. I just want to finish this.


"Please get your ID at the student council room. Mr. Joshua Hong" I heard the pager called my name as I am focusing in our art class. Our teacher excused me.

As I was walking past Young-Ae's room I saw her hand under the table and DK's hand too! Why is he holding her hand? And why am I so jealous?! Young-Ae is giggling I can see it in her face she's trying to stop from laughing. And Dk too. Are they dating or what? I just went to the student council and get my ID but its not Wonwoo who gave it to me. Its Mingyu, his bestfriend a.k.a school's hearthrob a.k.a number two at making the girls fall within a second. So within one hour the whole school will fall for him and he didnt care because he's gay.

"What took you so long I will miss my class" he said. They're one year higher than us.

"Im sorry" I said as I sign the paper proof that I get my ID.
"Its okay. Go to your class now" he said as he smile at me. I smiled back and went out.

I pass again in their classroom and saw that DK and Young-Ae is at the back of the room being too sweet. Young-Ae put her head in Dk's shoulder. I feel anger build up inside me. This is way too serious now. I really have to talk to Jeonghan and Jun about this.

"Hey class is over" I heard Vernon shouted and that woke me up. I look back again and saw that the students are getting off of their room. So I went to our room and pack my things.

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