Chapter 13

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Dk's POV

I ended the call quickly as possible or I might say things I will regret later.

"Who the fuck told Young-Ae I have a girlfriend?!" I ask the boys. Earning some weird stares frome the other students here in our cafeteria. I went out of the cafeteria and straight to our room.

No one answered me afraid I might lash at them my wrath. Great now I have to think of ways how to ask Young-Ae how did she knew it. But on the other hand this might help me put a distance between us. Yeah right. How am I supposed to do it?

"...hyung?" I heard a scared voice.
"Not right now Dino" I said to him.
"Mianhe" he said as he close the door.

Dino is known for being a sweet boy. He doesnt want anyone around him sad or depressed. He will do everything in his power to put a smile on someone important to him. He's still a kid after all. I felt sorry immediately knowing he just want to make me feel okay.

Time slowly pass by. Knowing I haven't been focus in my classes. Soonyoung tried to talk to me.

"You know Seokmin why dont you get yourself a girlfriend?" He said as he sats in the chair beside me. We got a free period.
"Its not easy Soonyoung" I said as I tried to focus in my homework.
"So giving Young-Ae those false hope is easy?" He said.
"What? Soonyoung, Im not giving her false hope" I said iritated at the fact he's somewhat right. I want to free myself from the pain and hurt Im feeling till now because of Minhye.
"So those sweet gesture is what? A real thing and stuff?" He said.

"You know Soonyoung..." he cut me off.
"I know you Seokmin. Its hard for you to move on and you just want to free yourself from being hurt but doing the same thing to others is not right Seokmin remember. Minhye is not Young-Ae" he said as he gets up.

I know but what can I do? Im miserable. Im a fucked up man. Cant stand alone to Joshua. Im a good for nothing boyfriend. So how could they tell me Im perfect? I used girls but not to the extent Im screwing them but I give them a mental breakdown.

The day ends and I went home. I have to think clear. Start a new life or something. I texted my mom saying Im coming home. I dont know I just feel like I want a change. 1 week passed but Young-Ae didnt come to school. So I ask Wonwoo what happened and he just shrug saying he doesnt know.

"Whoaa you want a change? Okay how will it go?" Minghao asks as he hugs the girl beside him. He's so called play toy today.
"I dont know. Maybe  be quiet and stuff doesnt care at all" I said as I shrug. Dismissing the feeling I had in my stomach.
"Okay so be the bad boy who doesnt have feelings?" Seungkwan asks as he put a spoon full of mac and cheese.
"Kinda?" I answered unsure.

"Young-Ae!" Soonyoung suddenly shouts.
"Oh my! Dont do that Soonyoung!" Young-Ae said as she approach us.

"Oh hey?" She said when she's near. I stand up and went inside our room. I have to start first at ignoring her.
"Where are you going?" Mingyu said he passed by our room
"In my class" I said not wanting to make the conversation long. Why would he be in our floor anyway?

"Oh hey Mingyu!" I heard them call Mingyu.
"Hey so I was looking for Seungcheol?" I heard him ask the boys.
"We haven't seen him this morning" Minghao said.

Well damn Seungcheol is still in his house trying to be normal since he was heartbroken but I cant say that to them. So I ignored them and start my day. Be the quiet guy. The day went by so fast it was our last subject for today.

"Hey!" Young-Ae said as she sat on the vacant chair on my right
"Hey" I said as I focused more on the notes I have.
"So... are you still mad?" She ask me. I just roll my eyes.
"You know what? Stop talking to me. Dont go near me" I said.

Why is she making this hard for the both of us? Why?

"Uhm... Sorry for disturbing you. I'll just go" she quietly said and stand up. Great.

After that she didnt look at me. I know Im a little harsh but Im just doing this to protect my heart. Minhye almost ruin me. I wont make the same mistake twice.

The class has ended and I quickly got up. I dont want to hear Soonyoung's wrath about being cautious or something towards Young-Ae. For all I care, she isn't in the list of my main priority. I started the engine and put my seat belt. As I pass the school's gate I saw Joshua and Young-Ae walk in the side of the street. Joshua being the "GENTLEMAN" he is *but in reality he's going to screw Young-Ae and leave her* holds Young-Ae's things.

I speed up at the sight of them. I bet he already has plans on taking her from me but do I care? Ofcourse not. First we dont have a relationship. Second Im not planning to have one.


"Where are you bro?" I read the text from Seungkwan as I kill the car's engine.
"Home." I simply replied and get my things.
"You're early today" my mom said as she kissed the top of my head.
"Not feeling well mom. I'll be in my room though" I said as I hug her making her understand that I dont want to talk about it.
"Oh okay sweetie. I'll cook your favorite is that okay?" She ask.
"That'll make me better" I said as I show her my smile. The smile she always love.

After she nodded, I go up to my room and started my homeworks.

"Dude wanna come?" I read Seungcheol's text. What do they want from me?! Why wont they leave me?
"No Im not feeling well Seungcheol please" I text back. God just give me some time to spare.
"Oh okay sorry. Get well soon!" He replied back. I didnt text him again. I turn off my phone. As I finish all my homework.

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