Full Summery/Meet The Heirs

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The Kingdoms of Mythical Creatures are all in need of proper pure blooded heirs... the Empire Uniters or the EUs are responsible for bringing the Heirs to the EU head courters safely, but there will be some tension between the Heirs.

The Elf, Elior, and the Dragon, Flare, are 'enemies' and the only reason the Elior agrees to go on the journey willingly, was because she gets a tent to herself, instead if having to share with a bunch of girls, or have to sleep in the same tent as Flare, but these two 'enemies' may turn out to be more than friends...

Fido the Werewolf keeps flirting with and chasing Bastet the Sphinx, but she seems to be uninterested, but she is really thinking about the way their two kingdoms would react to them, if they were together? Will Fido be able to break threw those thoughts?

Virva is a Will'o the Wisp, she's beautiful and unable to keep from admirers, especially humans who have no way of keeping from being drawn to her, but there is one admirer who doesn't care about the beauty on the outside, he sees her for who she truly is, Reap the Lich, though he is sure that she would never care for a skeleton looking creature like him. Real has walls around him, that Virva will have to break down, to get closer to him.

Seren is a Nāginī and Cour is a Nāgā, same thing but Seren is female and Cour is male, they are twins, and almost complete opposites, they both want the throne, but when they find out who gets the throne will it tear them apart, or will the one who doesn't get the throne congratulat the other?

Drake has no care in the world for girls... Drake is a Vampire but he doesn't drink the blood of humans (or Mythical Creatures) but he does have a love of chocolate and coconuts, Seren the Nāginī, the only girl out of the creatures who takes an interest in him, and ends up liking him, though she will have a hard time when he rejects her, but will he regret rejecting her when she starts ignoring him, right when he realizes he actually does like her?

Pipra is a Azeman, she has an obsession with gold and attacks the other heirs to get there gold... but they always stop her by giving her a broom (or throwing pepper at her, because she's allergic), because her other more strong obsession is counting broom bristles.

Cour is a Nāgā, Cour has no gold and no broomsticks... but what he does have are gold yellow eyes and quite the number of admirers in the Nāgā/Nāginī kingdom, Pipra has an obsession with gold and has fallen for this gold eyed boy, when Cour finds out what will he do? Reject her? Pinning her falling for him on her love of gold and the color of his eyes? Or will he give this gold and broomstick obsessed (and not to mention peppered allergy) girl a chance?

Meet the EU officers.

Dilarta is one of the head of the EU. She has an "in charge" personality, and is a bit aggressive, she has a slight southern accent that she tries vary hard, and usually succeeds in, hiding it.

Nodelier is one rank under Dilarta, and he is vary close to becoming part of the head of the EU. He's vary serious most of the time, and is unbelievably cool headed even if he's being confronted, or made fun of by Clirtan, he has no problem telling it how it is, and he can sense a lie a hundred miles away, Nodelier is part demon, but from what he says he attends church, or at least he used to attend church.

Clirtan is two ranks under Nodelier, she has a problem with starting drama, and she seems to have something against Nodelier and Tinelia, but no one knows what she has against them. She seems to like to call people names, and make fun of them.

Tinelia is about three ranks under Nodelier, she and Clirtan seem to have a rivalry of some sort, and when ever Clirtan makes fun of Nodelier Tinelia always sticks up for him, Tinelia is a pure blood human, and that seems to be part of the reason Clirtan dis likes her so much, Tinelia seems to have feels for Nodelier, but she keeps them as secret as possible, but Clirtan seems to know, and Nodelier seems to know to, but she just doesn't realize that.

Angilia is one rank under Nodelier, she is seriously and a bit harsh at points, she doesn't take being made fun of lightly and does usually fight back, but she lets Tinelia stick up for herself and Nodelier.

Malerin is the same rank as Clirtan, but he keeps his distance from her, because she is not the most pleasant person, Malerin had a bit of a strong German accent and he doesn't try to hide it.

Oput is the youngest out of all of them and he is in the same rank as Tinelia, he's quiet and a bit shy, he doesn't stick up for himself, but he's vary smart.

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