Chapter Ch'vors (Armenian) More Tension

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   Elior couldn't believe that her, and the other heirs, would have to travel from the churchs to the EU on foot, they had told her that they would be staying a ways away from towns, because there were people in the towns who might want the heirs dead, that was also the reason why they would be traveling by foot, instead of by train or carriage.
   "Can you believe that all of the guy heirs are cute?" Asked the Nāginī, named Seren.
   "They are all boys." Elior said.
   "You are the Eldest of the girl heirs, but that doesn't mean you can't honestly say none of the guy heirs are cute." Seren said.
   "Okay." Elior gave a small grin, "that one is kind of cute." She tilted her head toward the boy a little ways away, with black hair and green eyes.
   "That, I think, is either Flare or Drake." Seren said.
   "I certainly hope it's not that dragon." Elior said.
   "What dragon?" Asked the green eyed boy.
   "The dragon named Flare, do you know him?" Seren asked smiling.
   "Yes actually, I know him better than anyone." Green eyes said.
   "Are you his best friend?" Seren asked.
   "No, I am him." He said.
   "Oh." Seren said.
   "Who would you two be?" Flare asked.
   "I'm Seren the Nāginī." Seren said, "and this is...-." Seren started to introduce Elior, but Elior cut Seren off.
   "It doesn't matter who I am, to him." Elior said.
   "It matters more than you know, blue eyes." Flare said, obviously talking to Elior, because Seren had Golden eyes.
   Elior clinched her jaw furiously.
   "If you don't tell him who you are, I will." Seren said.
   "Fine I'll tell him." Elior said.
   Flare had been grinning in there direction as they whispered to each other, so he couldn't hear them, but he could hear them anyway.
   "I'm Elior the Elf." Elior said to him.
   "Oh, that's why you disdain me so." Flare said.
   Elior didn't reply, she just walked away, Seren ran after her, hollering for her to slow down, it was lunch time, and all of the girls were supposed to eat together.

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