Chapter Devet (Bulgarian) The Cat and The Dog.

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Bastet was walking back to her tent, swinging the bone of the fish she just ate in a circle, she accidentally threw it behind her.

Bastet sighed, and turned around to retrieve it, then head to her tent, but Fido had grabbed it before she could.

"Hello." the werewolf said with a smile.

"That's mine." Bastet said, pointing to the fish bone.

"What would a lovely girl like you need a fish bone for?" Fido asked, then noticed Bastet's ears, he blinked blankly up at her cat like ears for a few seconds.

Bastet realizing he was staring at her ears, and she rolled her eyes.

"Can I please have my fish bone back?" Bastet asked sounding annoyed.

"Can you please ask nicer?" Fido asked in a mock whining tone.

Bastet glared at Fido, but she sighed and asked nicer.


Fido smiled.

"Nope!" he exclaimed.

Bastet stared at him in shock.

"I asked nicer!" Bastet said angrily.

"Yes... I asked you to say it nicer I did not say if you ask nicer I'd give it back to you." Fido said.

"Why you-!" Bastet yelled, then she balled her fists and clenched her jaw, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

Fido stared at her.

Bastet opened her eyes.

"Keep it." she said, turned around, and headed back toward her tent.

She heard Fido laughing.

"I was only joking! You can have your bone back!" Fido yelled still laughing.

"I don't want it!" Bastet yelled, rolling her eyes.

"If you say so!" Fido yelled back chuckling.


Fido was still chuckling as he walked to the guys meal tent to get a snack, he had the fish bone's tail between his teeth.

"Hey Fido what's with the Fish carcass?" Cour asked.

"The sphinx dropped it." Fido said grinning.

"Are you sure she dropped it? Or did you steal it?" Drake asked, glancing up at the werewolf from his book.

"Well... I didn't steal it." Fido said. "She more threw it though.".

Drake closed his eyes, and shook his head.

"You, Cour, and Flare need to be more gentlemanly." Drake said.

"Why?" Fido asked.

"Because being delinquent like and rude, won't get you anywhere with girls." Drake said.

"But I thought you were gonna stay clear of the girls?" Fido asked.

"I am I'm just trying to help you." Drake looked up fully from his book.

"Cour gave the Azeman a gold coin." Fido said.

"What?" Drake asked raising an eyebrow.

"You said we need to be more gentlemanly... so, I thought I'd tell you what Cour did for the Azeman girl." Fido said.

"The Azeman's name is Pipra." Cour interjected into the conversation, since they were talking about him.

"Oh. What's the Sphinx's name?" Fido asked.

"Bastet." Drake answered, closing his book, and stood to leave the meal tent.

"Bastet... I'll remember that name." Fido smiled, and took the fish bone out of his mouth.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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