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   Angilia walked into the room, she was late, and she had to pretend to ignore all the judging stares from everyone in the room who were sitting around the table. She sat down, and Dilarta spoke.
   "As we were talking about a little while ago." Dilarta started, " the Heirs are going to be escorted here by y'all..., as long as you agree, after you find out who, and what they are." Her southern accent was starting to show.
   "Vhat if ve all object?" Malerin asked in his heavy german accent.
   "Than I'll just have to ask a better group of people to escort them." Dilarta said.
   "There isn't a better group, than us!" Objected Clirtan, who sounded violated.
   "Just let Dilarta tell us who and what the Heirs are." Angilia said rolling her eyes.
   "Fine." Clirtan and Malerin said at the same time.
   "I don't really care what they are." Nodelier said from a corner.
   "We all know you don't care, you're to cool to care." Clirtan said.
   "Shut up Clirtan!" Tinelia shouted.
   "Oh is the love sick puppy defending her master?" Clirtan said, she grinned evilly.
   Angilia rolled her eyes as the two girl's quarreled.
   "Shut up you ugly bat!" Tinelia yelled.
   "You just hate me because I'm part vampire!" Clirtan bawled.
   "No I don't! I hate you because you're always picking on Nodelier!" Tinelia objected.
   "I do not pick on anyone!" Clirtan grumbled.
   "Oh really! I always hear you talking about how he's a terrible person because he's part demon!" Tinelia pretty much screamed.
   Dilarta slammed her hand on the table, and the room went completely, awkwardly, silent.
   "I will tell you who the heirs are." Dilarta said, slowly, as if talking to a bunch of rowdy, small children.
   "Bastet the Sphinx, Cour the Nāgā, Drake the Vampire, Elior the Elf, Fido the Werewolf, Flare the Dragon, Pipra the Azeman, Reap the Lich, Seren the Nāginī, and Virva the Will'o the Wisp." Dilarta listed each Heir's name, pronouncing them each clearly.
   "Are they all males? Or females?" Malerin asked.
   "Bastet is a female, Cour is a male, Drake is a male, Elior is a female, Fido is a male, Flare is a male, Pipra is a female, Reap is a male, Seren is a female, Virva is a female." Dilarta listed.
   "Just as many males as females." Clirtan said.
   "Why are we escorting them at once? Why not separately?" Tinelia asked.
   "Because, we are hoping they will become friends, or at least get along with each other." Dilarta said.
Nodelier nodded.
   "Where are all of them?" Malerin asked.
   "Bastet, Elior, Pipra, and Virva are all at St Cherib's chapel on the creek, Drake, Fido, Flare, and Reap are all at St Tenlor's temple in the clouds, and Cour and Seren are staying with their Aunt." Dilarta answered.
   "Oh so most of them are at churches... looks like Nodelier won't be able to-." Clirtan started to say more but Tinelia slammed her fist on the table and stood up her chair falling backwards behind her.
   "Don't you dare say anything else, don't forget you are part Vampire." Tinelia growled.
Clirtan's eyes burned with an evil fire.
   "Stop fighting." Nodelier said, "I am capable of walking into churches... I have spent my fare share of time in church." He said, "and while I do appreciate your help Tinelia, I really don't need it." He set his gaze back on Dilarta, "anything else?" He asked their Captian.
   "Yes." Dilarta said, "there may be some convincing going on to get some of the heirs to come, Elior like most Elves hates Dragons, I'm not sure how the Sphinx and Werewolf will react to each other and the Vampire and Lich are the two scariest of the creatures, and the Azeman is a gold lover, though the Azeman has an allergy to pepper and loves counting broom bristles." Dilarta informed.
   "What's a Lich?" Asked the youngest looking person in the room who had been so quite, no one had realized he was there.
   "Oput." Clirtan said with disdain.
   "A Lich is a creature similar to a grim reaper, though they are not in charge of the dead, at the age of 21 their skin rots and peals off." Dilarta said.
   "O-oh...." Oput said shakily.
   "How old are the heirs right now?" Tinelia asked.
   "They are in the range of 16 to 19." Dilarta said.
   "Why did you choose us to escort them?" Malerin asked.
   "Because you are some of the best officers in the EU." Dilarta said.
   "What about Oput?" Clirtan asked.
   Oput looked down at the table shamefully.
   "Oput is the second smartest, out of all of you." Dilarta said.
   Clirtan looked as though Dilarta had just called her an idiot, though Dilarta probably had.
   "When do we need to leave to go get them?" Nodelier asked.
   "In three days, you'll be taking them from the churches to the EU by foot though." Dilarta said.
   "Why do we have to take them on foot? It'll take us a few weeks to get back here." Clirtan asked.
   "It's to give them time to get to know each other, get over there problems, and get along." Dilarta said, "also, they all will have separate tents." Dilarta added.
   "Okay." Clirtan said, "should we start packing?" She asked.
   "Yes leave, unless you have another question." Dilarta said.
   Clirtan stood up and left.
   Oput raised his hand, as if he were in school.
   "Yes Oput?" Dilarta asked.
   "What happens if the heirs get out of hand? What do we do if that happens?" Oput asked.
   "Then you get to the closest town, and call me." Dilarta said.
   "Yes ma'am." Oput said, looking as though he tried to bow, but he was sitting at the table.
   "What should we expect from the heirs?" Tinelia asked.
   "No idea." Dilarta said.
   "Okay then...." Tinelia said, she sounded a bit worried, she stood and left the room.
   "Do you have a question Nodelier?" Dilarta asked.
   "Are we going to be the only ones escorting the heirs to the EU?" Nodelier asked.
   "No, there will be a few other lower class officers as well." Dilarta said.
   Nodelier nodded once and left.
   Oput tapped the table a few times and stood and left.
   Dilarta sighed, she was sure they'd be okay, but they certainly would have a long few weeks.

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