Chapter Šesć (Belarusian) A Story and A Plan and some Teasing.

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"Elior, why do you hate Flare so much?" Pipra asked.
The girls were sitting around a fire after supper.
"He's a dragon." Elior said.
"But what's so bad about dragons?" Bastet asked.
"The dragons weren't always human-like creatures." Virva said.
"I never payed attention in history." Bastet said.
"Neither did I." Pipra agreed.
Elior sighed.
"If you want to know you could go to the book tent and look for an Elven history book." Seren said.
"I could just tell you girls the story." Elior said.
"Yes! Tell the story!" Pipra exclaimed excitedly.
"Okay, I'll tell the story." Elior sighed.

A very very long time ago, before dragons were creatures of fear, or human-like, there was a serpent who stole the name dragon, and he corrupted the perfect earth that Zot had made, the dragons were blamed and cursed to be earth bound creatures, soon after kingdoms with kings and queens were built, the dragons became angry and stricken with greed, they rampaged through the towns and a kingdom called Dritë, the Dragon stole the Odol, a ring that can detect a pure heart, the prized possession of the Kingdom of Dritë a kingdom of Elves.
Three years later the dragons were saved, and became more human like, they made peace with the Elves but did not return the Odol, nor any of the other treasures they stole.
The Elves did not wage war with the dragons, but they have always had a grudge.

"If you ask me that sounds a lot like a fight over a toy between two children." Bastet said.
"You don't understand, the Odol was an Heirloom passed down from my greatest grandfather." Elior said, and they didn't give it back, no matter how much the Elves pleaded for it.".
"You should just ask Flare about it." Virva said.
"It's not like he'd actually give it to me." Elior said.
"You don't know till you try." Seren said.
"I might demand it, but I'm not going to be friendly and ask him for it, he's still a dragon." Elior said.
"That sounds really childish Elior." Pipra said.
"Wow, and that's coming from the youngest." Bastet said.
"Oh, be quiet you guys." Seren said.
"I'll think about asking him...." Elior said.
"Think quick, you only have about three weeks." Virva said.
"I'll do that." Elior said.
"So Bastet, have you seen the werewolf yet?" Seren asked.
"No, and thank goodness too." Bastet said, "I'm kinda scared he's going to attack me.".
"I doubt he would attack you." Elior said.
"But he might." Bastet said.
"If he does, just scream." Virva said, "we'll come save you.".
"I'll remember that." Bastet said.
"What about the vampire? What do we do if he attacks one of us?" Pipra asked.
"Scream." Virva said.
"Okay." Pipra said.
"And the Lich?" Bastet asked.
"Liches don't usually attack people." Elior said.
"Okay, but if any of the guys attack, just scream, as loud as possible." Pipra said.
"Understood." Virva said, smiling.
The girls all laughed.
"Same with the EU officers." Bastet said.
"I doubt they'd attack us." Elior said.
"I know, I was joking." Bastet said.
"Well, supper was nice." Virva said.
"It could have been better." Bastet said.
"Be nice Bas." Virva said.
"Okay, I'll be nice." Bastet said,"or at least I'll try." The Sphinx added.
"Good enough." Virva said.
"So which of the guys catches you gals eyes?" Seren asked.
"Are you always talking about boys, Seren?" Pipra asked.
"So what if I am?" Seren asked.
"Definitely Flare." Bastet said, "and Drake, they are definitely the best looking out of all the guys.".
"And Seren's Brother." Elior said, "if I'm being honest.".
"You need to be honest about guys looks more often." Seren said.
"How about you Vir?" Bastet asked.
"The one with red eyes and silver hair." Virva said.
"That's Reap, he's the Lich." Elior said.
"Oh, well then Reap." Virva said.
"But Vir, he's a Lich." Pipra said.
"I don't care." Virva shrugged, "he still has feels too." The Will'o Wisp said.
"That is true." Elior said.
"We could say the same thing to you about Flare." Virva said.
"Oh whatever." Elior rolled her eyes.
"Don't deny it Elie." Bastet said.
"I don't deny it, I just contest it." Elior said.
"Contest and Deny mean the same thing." Virva information.
"I know." Elior rolled her eyes.
All of the girls broke into hysteric laughter, except Elior, but she did crack a smile.

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