Chapter Osma (Bosnian) Gold Trouble.

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It was early in the morning and the sun was only just peeking up over the horizon.

Pipra was searching the ground with her 20-20 night vision, looking for any gold she could find, with so many rich heirs around some had bound to fall on the ground.

No she was not stealing. Pipra lived by the oldest rule in to book of Azeman, "Finders keepers. Loosers weepers." so this was very much legal.

Unless the person who lost it was looking for it and caught her picking it up and putting it in her purse... then she would have to give it back. That was the rule.

And Pipra was about to have to begrudgingly follow that rule.


The sun had finally come all the way up over the horizon.

Pipra had just found what she was looking for.

A big, beautiful, shiny, golden, coin.

Pipra was about to pick it up when a certain dragon walked up.

"Don't even!" Flare hollered.

Pipra stopped mid bend and reach, she looked up at the annoyed looking dragon who was glaring at her.

"We-well Flare... what would a fine dragon like you be doing walking around glaring at innocent girls at this time of day?" Pipra asked giving her best innocent smile.

"I know exactly how many gold coins I have. I was missing one so I came to look for it." Flare answered.

Pipra nodded.

"That oh innocent Azeman would be MY gold coin." Flare informed. "And a sweet Azeman like you wouldn't come between a fire breathing dragon and ANY of his treasure... or there will be pepper involved." he said.

Pipra's eyes widened, she stood up, and fixed her skirts.

"No I would not. Thank you very much." She said, and quickly retreated as if she were a mouse who had seen a cat.

Flare picked up his gold coin, and turned around to head back to his tent, but an elf was standing there, and the grin that had appeared on his face disappeared with her first words to him.

"You could have allowed her to keep that gold coin." Elior said.

"You must not understand us dragons at all." Flare frowned.

"I guess not." Elior crossed her arms.

They stared at each other for a while as if judging whether or not to keep talking, and Flare must have decided it was okay to continue the conversation.

"Why do you hate me?" Flare asked looking at her sadly.

This caught Elior off guard, she blinked a few times in astonishment.

"I...." Elior sighed. "I don't hate you." was her answer.

"Then why do you act like you hate me?" Flare questioned.

"Because of the Odol Ring." Elior stated.

"The Odol Ring?" Flare asked in question.

"Forget it. You won't give it back anyway." Elior said, and walked past him.

Flare turned to try to stop her, but she had ran away.

"Odol Ring...." Flare repeated in thought, he turned back toward the direction of his tent.

"That sounds so familiar... they probably told us about it in history... I wish I had listened more in history now." Flare thought out loud.

Just then Drake came walking by.

"Drake!" Flare exclaimed.

Drake stopped and waited for Flare to get closer.

"Is something wrong Flare?" Drake questioned.

"No... well sorta kinda. I need to ask you something." Flare answered.

Drake waited silently for Flare to ask his question.

"In history did they ever talk about an Odol Ring?" Flare asked.

Drake smiled.

"Yes they did." Drake answered.

"Well... what's with it and Elior?" Flare asked.

"You need to pay more attention in history." Drake said.

Flare rolled his eyes.

"It's all stuff that happened in the past! The past is the past!" Flare argued.

"Well if the past is the past I guess you don't need to know about the Odol Ring. Do you?" Drake asked.

Flare glared at his clever but annoying friend.

"Sometimes I hate you." Flare growled.

"Pft! You love me." Drake grinned.

"Just tell me about the Odol Ring." Flare groaned.

"It was an Elf HeirLoom but it was stolen by the Dragons and they have refused to give it back ever since they stole it." Drake answered.

Flare stared at his friend for a while.

"That's why...." Flare started.

"That's why Elior acts like you're a parasite? Yes. Yes it is." Drake nodded.

"Those were not my exact words... but close enough." Flare rolled his eyes.

"What do I do to get her to stop treating me like a parasite?" Flare asked.

"Oh I don't know? You'll probably figure it out." Drake said, and walked away.

Flare stood there for a few seconds then headed back to his tent.


  Pipra sat with her arms crossed trying to think of a way to get back at Flare for not letting her have one measly coin.

  “Hey. You're an Azeman right?” someone asked from in front of her.

  Pipra looked up into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, her eyes widened in disbelief.

  “Hello!” Cour waved his hand in front of Pipra’s face. “Take a picture it'll last longer.” Cour crossed his arms.

  Pipra finally blinked.

  “Wh-what did you say?” Pipra asked.

  “I asked if you were the Azeman.” Cour answered.

  “Yes I am.” Pipra smiles.

  “I'm trying to meet everyone I'm traveling with. I was having trouble finding you so we could meet.” Cour said.

  “Oh sorry….” Pipra said. “I'm Pipra.” she smiled.

  “Hello Pipra. I'm Cour.” he greeted.

  “Hello Cour.” Pipra greeted back.

  “Can I ask why you were pouting a little while ago?” Cour asked.

  “I almost got a gold coin but Flare caught me and it was his coin….” Pipra said pursing her lips slightly.

  “Do you want a gold coin that badly?” Cour asked, holding out a gold coin toward her.

  Pipra looked suspiciously. “You're not trying to trick me are you?” she asked.

  “No not at all.” Cour said smiling sincerely.

  Pipra cautiously grabbed the coin, and looked from it to Cour and back again.

  “Thank you.” Pipra smiled.

  “You're welcome.” Cour smiled back, “well. I've got to go.” Cour half frowned. “My sis asked me to come see her….”.

  Cour turned and left the now very happy Azeman to admire her shiny new coin.

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