Chapter Bost (Basque) Lunch.

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After the girls were finished eating lunch, they all stayed and talked.

"Have you guys met any of the boy heirs yet?" Bastet asked.
"Me and Elior met Flare the dragon before coming to lunch." Seren said.
"Oh, did Elior kill him?" Virva asked.
"No I did not kill him." Elior said.
"Her glare at him could've, if looks could kill that is." Seren said.
"He's is dragon." Elior said, "elves and dragons are sworn enemies.".
"Who cares what type of creature he is, he's hot." Seren said.
"I don't care if he's hot." Elior said.
"Has anyone seen the Lich or the vampire yet?" Pipra asked nervously.
"No not yet." Virva shook her head.
"Do you think the Lich will look like a skeleton?" Pipra asked.
"Probably not, they don't even start decaying till they are twenty one." Elior said reassuringly.
"But isn't that just like puberty? It's never the same with everyone? Maybe he decayed early or something." Pipra said.
"Well Pip, if he did than we will warn you, unless you see him first, just don't freak out." Bastet said.
"What about the vampire?" Seren asked.
"Nope haven't seen him yet either." Bastet said.
"What do you guys think about the main officers from the EU?" Pipra asked.
"They seem okay to me." Elior said.
"Except for that one named Clarence or whatever." Seren said.
"Clirtan." Pipra fixed.
"She's kinda mean." Seren said.
"Yeah, especially to Tinelia." Elior said, she remembered seeing Tinelia run away from Clirtan, pretty much crying.
"I wonder what Clirtan has against Tinelia?" Seren asked.
"Who knows." Bastet shrugged, "it could be anything.".
"I think Tinelia is a pure blood human." Virva said.
"Oh." Elior said, raising an eyebrow.
Virva nodded.
"I wonder what the guys are doing right now?" Seren thought out loud.
All of the girls rolled their eyes, but then they all started giggling.

Guy's Lunch

"Have you seen any of the girls yet?" Fido the werewolf asked all of the guys, they had just finished eating.
"No I've been steering clear of the girls." Drake the vampire said.
"Course you haven't Drake, you're not interested in girls." Fido said.
"I haven't." Reap the Lich said.
"I've seen my sis but that's it." Cour said.
"I have actually." Flare said,as he sat down.
"Who?" Fido asked.
"Cour's sis Seren, and Elior the Elf." Flare said with a grin.
"Nah-ah! Stay away from my sis Flare, she's off limits to you, you fire breathing playboy." Cour said.
"Okay, okay, I'll stay away from Seren, but Elior is a whole other story." Flare said.
"Doesn't she hate you?" Reap asked.
"Tch, she'll come around." Flare said nonchalantly.
"How do you know that?" Reap asked.
"Girls always do." Flare said.
"Flare have you ever dated an Elf?" Cour asked.
"No, they all turn me down," Flare said, he froze, "oh." He said.
"Yup." Reap said, and Cour nodded.
"What do I do?" Flare asked.
"Be less of a player and more of a gentleman." Drake said.
"How would you know?" Flare asked, "you stay clear of girls.".
"I do not always stay clear of girls, and they don't like staying away from me... because I'm a gentleman, they are always wanting to flock around me." Drake sounded annoyed by the last part.
"If you don't like girls flocking around you, maybe you should stop being a gentleman." Flare said.
"And be a delinquent?" Drake asked.
Flare grinned.
"No, I'll stick with being a gentleman." Drake said.
"I'm not a delinquent." Flare said.
"But you are a playboy." Reap said.
"Hey! I flirt, that's all." Flare said.
"Whatever." Fido said.
"Has anyone seen the Will'o the Wisp yet?" Cour asked.
"Nope." Fido said.
"I hear she's supposedly the most beautiful out of all the girls." Flare said.
"I just wanna see her." Cour said.
"Why?" Flare asked.
"I just wanna see what she looks like." Cour shrugged.
"What other girls are there?" Flare asked.
"There's a Sphinx named Bastet." Reap said.
"Oh great! A cat just what I need." Fido said, sounding exasperated.
"You didn't listen when they told you who all the girls were, did you?" Drake asked.
"No, I just heard girl, girl, girl, girl, and etc." Fido said.
"You are the delinquent." Drake said.
"So what?" Fido said.
"Let's face it." Reap said, "Flare, Cour, and Fido are all Delinquents.".
"Amen." Drake said.
"I still can't get over that!" Cour said, "I still can't believe out of all of us Reap, Flare, and Drake are the ones that are at least somewhat religious." Cour laughed so hard, that he fell out of his chair, and rolled around on the ground, Reap was sure that if he didn't stop laughing like that soon, he'd end up dying of laughter.
"Oh shut it, snake boy." Flare said.
Cour sat up abruptly with a fake serious face, "Poor dragon, he's to much of a player to get into heaven." Cour said and traced a finger from his eye down his cheek to indicate a fake tear, then he started laughing again.
"I ought to kick your hysteric head off of your shoulders." Flare said.
"Girls, girls, you are both pretty, now shut up." Fido said.
Cour sat up, "fine, I'll be quiet.".
Flare didn't say anything.
After a lot of talking, the guys decided to go back to their tents, they were a few miles away from the church that they had been in now, so they had their tents up, and they wanted to set up their beds before night time.

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