The Talk

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"Amy it's ok you'll find someone else" she comforted poor Amy.

"No, I'm so in love with him it hurts" Amy said clutching her chest.

Lisa shook her head "But Amy he doesn't know you're in love with him, and he has a girlfriend at the moment" Lisa replied.

Amy sighed, then she replied "sometimes I wish she was never born, then I could be with him and we'd love each other forever" Lisa rolled her eyes, as her best friend said such childish words.

Amy went into a daze "AMY!" her best friend yelled.

"Huh, what?!" Amy snapped back to reality. "Your fantasizing, AGAIN" her friend exclaimed, then she went on "like always. You need to stop and snap back into reality, your only hurting your self" Lisa said finished feeling quite upset at how her friend was acting over some boy.

Amy still was driffting off into space, Lisa noticed and sighed. She shook Amy "like I said, again" Lisa said.

"Huh... Oh, yea sorry I don't know what's happening to me?" Amy claimed. "I-I feel like I'm losing my self in my own world. Sometimes I can't find my way out too" she shook her head and took a deep breath.

Lisa sighed "Amy you need to rest your going crazy and your gonna hurt yourself".

Any then caught Lisa by her arm and looked her in her eyes "Lisa do you think me and Mike will be together some day.... maybe even....forever?" Amy asked.

Lisa was caught off guard at the question and didn't really know what to say, she didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings, but she didn't want to lie either, so she just went with the honest answer "Amy really I don't know, I can't say you'll be together forever or at all. And to be honest" Lisa felt her temper raise a bit "you're acting quite childish right now, you need the get a grip" and with that said Amy let out a few sobs.

"Aww don't cry Amy it'll be ok" Lisa reassured having regretted saying that to her in her current state.

"No! It wont he'll never love me because I'm ugly and fat!" Amy shouted.

"AMY!! don't ever say that your not fat or ugly" Lisa said now angrily.

"Yes I am that's why he doesn't even look at me" she complained feeling hopeless.

Lisa gasped "Amy that's not true he seemed to make you laugh all the time. I think he'll come around some day, you'll see" Lisa said now trying to reassure her again.

"No you'll, see he'll reject me and move on, and me well me whats gonna happen to me? Oh well I'll tell you whats gonna happen, Imma be a depressed person all my life and end up dieing all alone, while you and all our other friends will have your family's, and I'm gonna be the one living in the basement!!" Amy said out of breath while plopping down and pulling a blanket over her head.

Lisa just stood there shocked at her friend Amy. She blinked and took a deep breath "Wow, Amy you do love this boy and you need to move on" Lisa said concerned and giving up hope that her friend was going to get over this.

Amy sighed "you say it like it's so easy and it's not at all it's really hard" Amy finally said in her right mind.

Lisa gained some hope and replied with reassurance "I'll help you, we'll do it together you'll see and you never know he might give you a chance" she added.

"Ok, We'll see what happens" Amy said as she pulled the blanket back over herself and curled up.

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