A Broken Heart

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The next day at school

Amy and Lisa were walking around the halls chating and laughing as it was passing period. Amy turned to be faced with the emptyness behind her, then she tilted her head and turned to her friend.

"Hey, Lisa, where is Melina and Jackie?" Amy asked with confusion of her missing friends.

Lisa furrowed her eye brows and shrugged "I don't know they were behind us" she said also confused.

Then Amy turned towards the other side of the hall, where she spotted them. They had a look of warning in their eyes and were whispering and pointing in a direction to try to get their attention.

Amy furrowed her eye brows and shot her friends a confused look, then she turned back around, as suddenly Lisa elbowed her, then she looked up to see Mike walking in their direction. Amy's heart starting beating really fast, as she could feel her hand get sweaty, then she felt the rise of stutter begin within her throat.

Mike approached the two girls, but directed his attention on Lisa "hey lise" —a nickname he had called lisa— "I'm having a party later tonight, would you like to come?" He said with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

At first Lisa was confused at the invite and looked at the Mike "um, no thank you" she replied as she turned down his offer.

He was ataken back "why not?" He uttered with confusion as to why she had turned him down.

She gave him a weird look "um.... Is this an everybody invited party?" She questioned.

He scratched his head and laughed slightly "Yea, sure it can be" he said.

Lisa looked at him and studied him as he stood before her, while poor Amy stood there also confused and hurt at the neglect.

Then Lisa spoke up "Hmm, so are we both invited?" Lisa draped her arm around Amy and pulled her into Mike's neglected sight of Amy.

He focused his attention on her and with the most acknowledgment said "oh, uh yea" he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck "she can definitely come" he finished.

Mike then looked at both of the girls and observed Amy, feeling like his eyes burning holes through her body felt even more nervous and heart racing then before.

Amy managed to utter out some words "awesome, a party" she nervously laughed.

Mike offered her a partial smile "um yea" he directed his attention at Lisa and smiled fully again "can't wait to see you there" and with that he parted ways and went on.

Lisa rolled her eyes "yea ok, mike" she said as he walked away. She then turned to Amy "ugh, what a jerk" she scoffed.

Lisa really didn't like Mike anyways, she always saw him as the Playboy type or the "too cool for you" type of jerkish boys. She thought his ego was bigger than his own body, but for the sake of her best friend she'd associate herself with him, because she cared for Amy and Amy was for whatever reason in love with him. However, Lisa could not see what her​ friend saw in him, he wasn't even that cute in her opinion.

Just then Jackie and Melina walked up to them "sorry we tried to warn you, he was coming" Melina said.

"So what did he want from you guys" Jackie asked.

Lisa rolled her eyes "oh nothing, he just invited us to a party" Lisa said as she swatted her hand.

"Oh, what he just barley invited y'all?" Melina said with shock evidently in her tone.

Lisa scoffed once again clearly annoyed at the subject "yea, just some boring dumb party" she said with the tone of she could care less about some party.

"What it's not just some dumb party, he throws the best partys ever" Melina practically almost shouted in disagreement.

Lisa looked at her friend  "I don't even know if I'm gonna waste my time at this dumb party" she claimed.

Amy just stood there quietly looking down, while her friends argued about the party. She didn't know how to quite feel about that passed encounter. She felt confused and hurt, had he ignored her on purpose or was it that she just wasn't even noticeable in his prevision. But he seemed to be more interested in Lisa's reactions more to even her existence. A lot of her thoughts and voices deep in her head she was pushing the urge to cry down.

Caught in her own overthinking thoughts she hadn't even noticed all the wide eyes of her friends trained on her. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at them surprised.

"Um Amy, are you ok?" They all questioned her. She shook her head and let her thoughts get the best of her "n-no, I'm...not" she spoke.

"What's wrong?" Melina asked.

Amy looked at her friends, tears building at the edge of her eyes "h-he looked as if he didn't even want to...to look at me" she said.

Then she let out a soft whimper of cry "he seemed like he didn't care about me or was more interested in Lisa" she said as the pain in her voice clearly showed through.

They looked at her shocked at her statement, especially Lisa more shocked and unable to know how to respond to that. She turned on her heels and sped off to the bathroom needing to quickly and desperately get out of people's sight.

When she got in there, there was nobody there. So she locked the main door and sunk down to her knees. She knew she'd get in trouble if someone tried to use the bathroom, and it was locked, and also for skipping class. But she didnt care she just let all the tears flow out like a river, she sobbed thinking why couldn't she be anything like the girls in the romantic movies, they always got what they wanted in the end, but after all you can't mix fantasies with reality. She sat there sniffling, trying to calm herself down when she felt she heard muffled tones.

She quickly muffled her crying and listened. Then she heard a female voice "You know what, I don't wonna be with you" the voice said annoyed and clearly frustrated.

Then she heard a accompanied male voice "but babe..... why?" Amy recognized that voice anywhere. That's when she figured out who they were, it was Mike and his girlfriend Daisy.

Amy gasped with widen eyes when she realized who they were. Then she heard the voices again.

"I just don't love you no more, first you never want to do anything with me, or even spend time with me. You're always with your 'bros' and I hate it. So you left me no choice, I've been seeing Juan and he knows how to show me a good time. So this is it we're over Mike, goodbye" Amy heard the girl walk away, then she heard a soft, sad and disappointed sigh follow right after it.

She heard the pair of feet walk away which she assumed was Mike. Thinking it was clear to leave, she stood up and opened the door a crack and peeked out. She didn't see anybody around.

So she opened the door all the way, trying not to bring attention to herself. She took one more glance before she stepped out the bathroom, and walked down the hall as she just took everything she had heard in thinking hard about it, maybe she'd get her chance after all. But however life wasn't on her side, just as she turned the corner she ran into to someone hard, sending her to lose her balance and fall backwards.


Hey my fellow readers, yea for those of you who have read this book before I edited it, you've noticed I made lots and lots of changes to it. Yup, it sucked when I first made it, it really did. For those of you who this is your first time reading it yea, it sucked but I made it a lot better hopefully. Please comment, vote to tell me what you think about the book.

-thank you sincerely your author

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