The Ugly Truth

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Lisa's POV:

"Wow, really!" I said as Amy told me about her date with Mike she seemed so in love and happy, I guess Mike really did like her. It was Monday and boring school started so we had to go to class already. I said bye to every one as we rushed to class.

School was almost over, it was 7th period and I had to go to the bathroom. I asked the teacher and she dismissed me. The bathroom is by the gym so I had to walk all the way down the hall to the right and down the little stair case. There is a little hall by the gym, were there are never any teachers or classes. Honestly I don't know what its for we never use it, so that's were the "bad" kids skip.

I walled passed it out if curiosity, then I heard two voices talking. One them sounded very familiar. Oh my god it was Mike!

"So are you gonna tell her" another voice said

"I don't know" Mike said.

"Well you have to tell her you've been using her, I mean I'm not a softy but you can't let this girl suffer like that" the other voice said.

Oh my gosh their talking about Amy! I knew it, I knew there was something going on. I have to tell Amy before it's to late. Just then the bell rang. Oh no! The classes bursted open and all the kids came out. I'm never gonna find Amy in this crowd.

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