Is This Really What I Came For?

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Amy's pov:

Finally we arrived at his house and already I saw teens dancing with cups in their hands looking drunk. We got out of Lisa's car and started to walk up to the front door.

"Hurry, ring the door bell" Jackie shouted clearly she was excited for this.

"No, idiot. It's a party you don't ring the door bell, it's open" Melina said as she shoved Jackie's shoulder.

She opened the door, and suddenly a loud wave of music hit us as we walked in.

"Wow, now this is a party" Melina shouted as she made her way to the kitchen where all the beer, alcohol and most high or drunk people were.

I was really nervous I'd really never been to a party like this before. Sadly this had to be my first time. I wasn't to sure where to go or what to do and Melina was to busy getting high and I didn't know were Lisa and Jackie went. Wow, I was quite surprised at how wild this party was. I didn't think Mike would throw a party like this, but you know how teens get.

I just decided to sit and just literally stay out of the way. So I sat down on the couch. There was a couple next to me, I mean I think they were, because they were making out like literaly their tongues were down each other's throats, it was really disturbing. Jeez, they couldn't have at least gotten a room.

I sat there for a while watching everyone, thinking to myself 'why the hell did I agree to come here in the first place'. Then my thoughts were inturupted when some half drunk boy plopped down right beside me, he looked to be an upper class-men, a senior. He did seem older then me, that was for sure.

"Hey there, sexy" he said scooting closer, a little to close for comfort.

"How about we go find a room and I can show you the best night of your life" he slurred as he put his arm around me and tried to lean in to kiss me.

I felt the urge to throw up smelling the strong alcohol on his breath. I scooted away from him.

"Um no, I'm not interested" I said thinking he'd take a hint and leave me alone. But I was way wrong.

He scoffed "What? You're not interested?" he mocked me, then he laughed.

"Not interested" he repeated.

Then he laughed hysterically "Come on babe, I know you are just stop playing hard to get already, we both know your desperate to get any kind of attention" he said than he grabbed my arm and started to pull me off the couch.

I felt panick kick in and I struggled against his grip as I shouted at him "No you jerk! let go of me I said I'm not interested" I shouted as I tried to pull my wrist out of his grip.

He didn't let go then he grabbed my waist literally almost lifting me over his shoulder "No you stop, I said come on you little bitch" he began to really drag me off.

I kicked and thrashed around "No, screw you" I said wishing to beat him as hard as I could.

Then I felt someone pull me free from his grip into their arms "Hey she said leave her alone. Leave her alone, asshole" I heard a voice declare.

At first I couldn't believe what was happening, but I looked up to be met with Mike's deep hazel eyes.

"Oh shit I'm sorry, Mike" the guy said as he let go of my arm "I thought she was just playing around you know" the guy chuckled nervously.

"Look dude, if I ever see you put your filthy hands on another girl without consent I'll kick your ass. Understand?" Mike threatened as he shoved the guy.

The guy gritted his teeth slightly and fixed his jock blazer and just nodded as he walked off.

"Hey are you ok" he said turning his attention back to me.

"Um, um y-yeah just a little dizzy, he was shaking me really hard" I said as he supported me helping me to the kitchen.

He sat me on a stool then he sat on the one next to me "you want a drink?" He looked at me.

I stayed quiet for a bit "sure" I then said.

"Here try this" he said handing me a cup.

"Umm, what is it" I asked unsurely.

"Oh um, its soda with a little bit of alcohol" he said I guess I musta looked uneasy.

"You don't have to drink it if you don't want to" he said.

"Uh no, it's okay I'll try it" I said before thinking and chugged it down, I gaged as it burned my throat.

"That taste horrible" I said almost choking.

He chuckled slightly "that's what they all say at first, you'll get used to it though" he said.

"Here try another one" he handed me a nother one.

I didn't gag this time, than he chuckled "not as bad right?" he tilted his head arching his eye brow.

I giggles and smiled at his reaction, he was so cute "No it was better give me another one, but with more alcohol than soda" I said.

"You sure?" he asked before he got another one.

"Yea" I said.

"Alrighty, here you go miss Amy" he said handing me another.

I drank a few more, then he looked a bit worried.

"Give me another" I said.

"Woah slow down there killer, are you sure?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Yeeees" I said and giggled.

"Mmm, I don't really think you should, I'm sure you had enough" he said.

"Nooo, give me mooore" I whined feeling a little tipsy.

"No, no you had enough little miss" he said moving the drinks away "come on let's go dance" he said getting up.

"Fine" I agreed and he led me to the dance floor.

I stood there as he began to dance "come on Amy, dance" he said as he tugged my hand.

"I dont-, I don't know how" I said feeling embarrassed.

He stopped "here" he pulled me closer "just let yourself get lost in the moment, and let your body move to the beat on its own" he whispered in my ear looking into my eyes.

I tensed up and felt the heat fill my body. It sent shocks throughout my whole body, and I felt adrenaline run throughout my body. Soon I began to let my body move to the beat. It seemed to go all by its self. Moving with the beat, I let my hips run in correlation with the beat of the music, filling my body.

He pulled me closer to him and we danced against each other. Our bodies moving together every which way. I was having the time of my life, but sooner or later I saw stars and everything just went black.

Here's the next part guys hope you enjoyed please vote, comment please I really want to know your thoughts and opinions and how I can inprove and share thank you

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