Lisa's POV:

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As we were making our way out the door Melina and Jackie giggled.

"She totally got laid" Jackie said as she laughed.

"Jackie get in the car" I said rolling my eyes.

She laughed again and got in. As me and Melina joined. I had to drop them off at their houses and get home myself.

As I started the car Jackie leaned over from the back seat and turned up the radio. One of those annoying songs come blasting through the radio as I groaned.

Not much longer till I pulled up to Melina's house, then both of them got off.

"I'm gonna stay the night with Melina" Jackie said.

"What?!" Melina said clearly surprised at Jackie's sudden plan.

I watched as Jackie shoved Melina's shoulder "I can stay" she said.

Melina rolled her eyes "I guess, since it's your house too" she said sarcastically.

"I know" Jackie replied back sarcastically.

I chuckled softly and rolled my eyes "I'll see you guys later" I said and they waved and went inside.

I drove off and about five minuets later I arrived at my house. I parked my car and made my way inside.

As I walked to my room I saw my brother Isaac sitting on the couch.

"Your back finally" he said.

"Yea and I'm going to head to bed" I said.

"Jeez, you just got home" he said.

I just went passed and went to my room and sat on my bed. I took off my shoes, and socks, I laid back and took a deep breath. I couldn't help but just let the feelings come flood me, I wasn't so sure of Mike. I didn't trust him.

I'm not so sure about this feeling I have, like something seems fishy about his intentions toward Amy. I mean I am really happy about her wish coming true, and to be honest sometimes I did get excited about her and Mike, and I do sometimes want to tell her go for it. But I can't let my gaurds down on him, yet.

Im still confused on why all of a sudden he become so... interested in her.

He never looked her way and now all of a sudden him and his girl friend are broken up? But that is what makes me doubt him actually liking her, that day when he asked her out when he hugged her his ex-girlfriend was walking by at the time he shot her a smirk or a evil grin and she scoffed and walked away clearly bothered by it.

That was his intention when he did that. I know it. But I had to push down the urge to call him out...... when I saw how Amy looked so happy... I just couldn't break her moment.

That's not right I have to keep an eye on him I can't risk Amy with a massive broken heart, hopefully this means nothing and he dose love her cause it will be hard for Amy to get over him.

I can't see her that way, she's like a sister to me, and I will beat him if I have to. I just hope I'm wrong as much as I'd like to be right, but Amy would just be hurt if I was right. So I just have to hope and pray that I'm wrong and Mike really does care for Amy.

Hey PEPs here's another part to love me I just wonted to make a Lisa's POV to explain all this hope you liked it please Vote, share, and comment I really like to hear your thoughts and opinions Thank you 😇.

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