Did He Really Just.... He Did

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Amy's POV:
(That's Bella at the top)

I got in the car and buckled my seat belt, as we pulled off.

"What was that about?" Lisa asked me with a confused look as she drove off.

"Honestly I don't know, but I melted" I said with a huge smile.

She rolled her eyes playfully "of course you did" she said.

About five minuets later we arrived at my house. I got out of the car and turned around to say bye and walked up to my front door. I unlocked it and went in. My dad wasn't home yet so I just grabbed some Oreos and a glass of milk and headed up stairs to my room and flopped onto my bed.

My dog Bella came and jumped on my bed, she rolled on her back for me rub her tummy, and she was to adorable for me not to, so I did. I rolled over and she jumped over me to my face and started licking me. I giggled as it tickled me.

"Ok Bella stop, sit" I said, she did as I commanded.

I reached over to grab my laptop and opened it as the screen litup. Soon hours went by and my dad finally got home, I jumped up as I couldn't wait to see him. Since he had been out all week for a business trip.

I greeted him at the door with a big hug "hey dad, how was your trip?" I asked.

"It was good darling" he said as she smiled "I got the promotion" he said.

I squealed, my dad had been working hard to get this promotion. It was all he worked on, all he stressed about. So I was so happy for him to accomplish it.

"Oh that's so awesome dad, I'm so happy for you" I said.

He smiled "so go get dressed we're going out to celebrate this" he said.

I jumped for joy for the first time in a long time we were doing something as a family. I ran to my room and put on my best dressy clothes. Then I banged on my brothers' door.

"Guys, get dressed dad's home and we're going out" I shouted as I made my way down stairs.

As soon as we were all ready we left to some fancy restruant and ate together. We celebrated and had a wonderful time together as we talked about all the things we could do now with my dad having this new promotion.

When we got hone it was pretty late so I hurried to change into my PJs and get to bed.

I got settled down and then Bella jumped up and curled up next to me. It was so adorable, she is like my baby I love her so much if something happened to her I don't know what I'd do. My eye lids felt heavy and I fell into a dream less sleep.

The next day at school

It had been a long day as I made my way to lunch, I met up with my friends and we sat down.

"So anybody have sweet dreams last night" Lisa said with a smirk.

I knew she was directing it to me, but I went along with it.

"No, why did you?" I said pointing my fork at her while chewing my macaroni.

She laughed "of course I did" she said sarcastically and we all

Soon the teachers started dismissing us to class. As usual me and my friends walked to class together and took our sweet time. We were walking and I was walking back wards facing my friends. I turned and before I knew it I felt myself being engulfed into someone's arms.

I stiffened for a moment in shock. I didn't know who this was and it caught me off guard.

Then I heard him "woah there" he said.

As soon as I knew who it was, I relaxed and let him engulf me into his arms as his chest pushed up against my back.

"What a coincidence I'd get another chance to run into a beautiful girl like you" he chuckled and looked down at me as I smiled and tinted a light shade of pink.

"I know right, what a coincidence" I said back while smiling hugely.

As this was going on, I noticed Lisa make a weird face. As if she saw something, something she didn't like. Something wrong, and my mind suddenly got clouded with worries and wonders of what it could of possibly been.

I broke the hug "so Mike, what brings you to approach me today" I asked teasingly.

"Ummmm, I don't know maybe I wanted to ask you something?" He replied in a sarcastic unsure tone.

"Oh you did?" I said sarcastically back.

"Yeah" he responded.

"Well you better hurry up, because I have like two minutes till I'm late to class" I pointed out.

"Oh shit, um well ...um" he said as he suddenly turned serious now.

"Um w-well uh... damn this was easier before" he mumbled getting slightly nervous.

I giggles softly "oh no, is Mike nervous of something?" I teased

"W-what?! No" he suddenly replied and I giggled again.

"Well um, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night at maybe eight pm?" He finally asked.

It took me a couple of seconds till I realized he was serious and it was not some joke. It took me a moment to process and now I was the one stuttering.

"O-oh, um" I cut myself off still trying to utter words out.

"Oh... um you don't have to if you don't want to Amy, I'll understand if you're not interested" he added his tone getting a bit lower as if he was disappointed.

"Oh no that's not it, I'd love to" I finally said.

His eyes seemed to glow a happier glow and he smiled big again "really?" He asked.

I nodded "yea" I said.

"Great" he said "see you tomorrow at eight" and with that he departed in a happy go lucky way.

I turned to see all my friends with their mouths wide open. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god guys, close your mouths you'll catch a fly" I said.

They giggled "Guys we have like thirty seconds till we're gonna be late for class" I added and they all scattered once they realized it.

Except for Lisa, she still had that uncertain look in her eyes as she quietly followed behind. My mind wondered back to what she might have noticed earlier and I wanted to ask. I couldn't though, I would have to find out later. I'm late for class!

Hi again guys I updated how you like my dog she's adorable please comment I'd really like to hear your thoughts and opinons and how I can improve, also share and vote thank you loves you all. 😇😍😝

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