A Surprising Acquaintance

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As she turned the corner she bumped into someone "oof" she made a sound as she lost her balance.

Amy looked up and gasped as she saw Mike rubbing his shoulder.

"auhh I'm so sorry" she said as she felt embarrassed.

"Oh no problem" he said as he stuck his hand out to help her up.

She hesitated to take his hand, but not any much longer she slowly grabbed his hand. He pulled her up, in a swift swing "Dang your light" Mike said with a chuckle.

Amy felt awkward so she just let out a little nervous luagh "oh um, thank you I guess". Amy felt her hands start to shake, but she tried to hide it.

Her heart beat started to race and she got butterflys flying all over her stomach.

"Um, are you ok?" Mike looked at her and questioned.

He snapped her back to reality "oh, um yea, I'm fine why you ask?" Amy tried to sound causal and normal, but really she could of fainted.

"Because you look a little shaken up" Mike said with concern for her.

"Oh no I'm all good, there's nothing wrong" Amy replied.

Then Mike's concerned look was replaced by a smile, then a smirk "are you sure it's just not me, I mean I do give off this glow that makes me flawless and irresistible" he said jokingly while making a goofy face.

Amy laughed she really want to shout 'yes it is because of you!', but of course she couldn't say something like that, she had to stay calm and go with the flow.

She shook her head instead "um, no not really" she said in a teasingly way.

He just pouted and crossed his arms playfully "fine then, I didn't want to hang out with you anyways" he pretended to walk away.

Amy playfully shrugged her shoulders "it's fine by me, see you next time" she was about to walk away, but then she thought of never getting a opportunity like this again, and a sad feeling overcome over her.

But then he stopped her, by grabbing her wrist, she looked at him surprised at the sudden movement.

"Wait! don't go please. I might not ever get a chance to accidentally bump into a beautiful girl such as you again, besides I was just kidding" he looked her in the eyes along with a little flirty smirk.

Amy was dying at this moment, she wished he'd just engulf her into a hug and kiss her. By now her skin was tingling and burning everywhere his skin made contact with her's.

Her stomach was filled with those butterflies he gave her every time he was near her, her mouth was agap while she tried to take everything in. She was speechless.

He took her silence as If she was to reject his offers so he opened his mouth to quickly make an excuse for her to stay with him "I would really like it if you'd join me for lunch?" she stood there shocked "please" he added thinking she'd say no, to be truth full he was just as sensitive as Amy, despite his big reputation and popularity he was as sweet and insecure as everyone else.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Then she finally got the words out "yes, I'd love to join you for lunch" she tried to sound as casual as can be, but really inside she was flying on clouds, and she could not believe what was happening at this time.

He sighed mentally as relief filled his body along with joy, he smiled as he took her hand. Of course she was surprised along with her heart jolting every which way.

As they began to walk he turned to her and began to make small talk "so, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked curiously, trying to find as much as he could about her.

"Umm, actually no I don't" she answered causally.

His features had a surprised expression "really? That's surprising your really pretty, who wouldn't want you?" he said as he felt heat run to his face as the words just slipped out like his mouth had a mind of it's own, he mentally slapped himself.

Amy almost froze, with hearing those words but kept walking. She blushed and felt a huge smile wanting to fill her face, but she tried to keep her causal self.

"Wow, no one's ever told me that, thank you" she finally replied.

He just smiled and for a moment she thought she almost caught some blush in his cheeks.

"You're welcome" he relied.

She tired to look but really couldn't see to good, or he'd see her. So she just shrugged it off and thought maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her.

They entered the lunch room and she searched the place for her friends, but couldn't find them.

Then Mike turned to her "ok, let's find a empty table, and we can sit down eat, and talk get to know each other better" he said still holding her wrist like as if she'd run away, but she didn't mind she just couldn't believe it, it was like she was in a dream.

He looked around, searching for a table. Finally they found one, they sat down and got situated, they began to talk.

From a far away her friends were watching "Oh god, look" Melina suddenly said.

"What?" Jackie looked around trying to figure out what Melina was mentioning too.

Then Melinda pointed slightly "over there, idiot" she said.

Jackie turned her attention to where Melina was pointing then let out a little squeal "ahhhh, is that Amy and Mike?!She's actually sitting with him".

While those two were getting excited about Amy's little moment, Lisa arched her eyebrows, concern all over her face and she narrowed her eye brows studying them both.

'Why was he suddenly all over there flirting with Amy when he has a girlfriend' she thought to herself.

She just didn't like the thought of him hurting Amy, but she didn't want to go over and ruin Amy's moment. She also never had a good feeling about him, he always gave her a bad impression of what kind of intentions he had. She knew what guys wanted and what they'd do to get what they wanted.

She wanted to alert her friends and bring it to they're attention also. So they'd be just as cautious as her about him.

She crossed her arms "he has a girlfriend, so why is he being all up on Amy" she said, as she thought they'd get the idea.

But they didn't, they both gasped and smirked as they giggled "Ooo, go Amy, Ms. man stealer" They joked amongst themselves.

Lisa rolled her eyes, it looked like she was the only one to have Amy's back, as the other two were senseless idiots she thought to herself.

She snuck a glance at Daisy to see what she was doing. Daisy looked as if she was very bothered by the sight of Amy and Mike, and she had her fists balled up as she death stared them both down.

Lisa knew something else was going on in the deeper meaning. Than Mike suddenly having caught interest in Amy, in Lisa's mind he had something else planned. And it wasn't a good one either.

Help again, yup lots of changes, anyway please comment and vote. To tell me what you think and stuff. Bye

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