The Ugly Truth-Part 2

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Amy's POV:

The bell rang signaling that school was over, I closed my English book, and gathered my things. Then my English teacher raised her hand to get our attention "alright we'll finish this up Monday, and no homework for this weekend" she said with a smile. The whole class cheered, then she dismissed us.

I tried to make my way through the crowd to my locker, gosh it's always crowded. I finally made it to my locker, I packed up all my materials for the weekend's homework. I walked out and made my way to my car. I got in and started the engine, I set it into reverse, and drove out of this crowded parking lot. I couldn't wait to get home and relax.

Lisa's POV:

I searched the crowded halls for her, but I couldn't find her. Shit, I had to and fast. I ran to my locker and quickly packed my stuff. I had to hurry and catch her before she left.

I ran out to the parking lot, and searched for her, but I didn't find her. Then I remembered where she had parked, I looked over to the space, she wasn't there, SHIT! I ran to my car and quickly tried to leave. Damn, this is the most traffic time of the day, everyone's trying to leave. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN I yelled.

Amy's POV:

I arrived home, and got off and went inside. I walked up to my room, I plopped down on my bed. I took a deep breath home sweet home. I had just got situated when my phone rang with a text, it was Mike.

It said Mike: hey babe, can you meet me in 5, 1o minutes. Please I need to talk to you. I furrowed my eye brows, what does he need to tell me? I thought for a moment, oh well I'll just have to find out. I looked at the time it said five-thirtysix. The sun began to set already. I sighted and lifted myself off the bed, I whined I don't wonna go, I just wonna go to sleep.

I finally pushed myself to the car, and made my way to Mike's house.

Lisa's POV:

I finally pulled up to see her, she was already turning the corner. She was heading the direction Mike lives at. Yea I've been there a few times with her. But I have to follow her and catch her before it's to late!

I followed her, and I was behind her but then God damn traffic cut me off, and she got ahead of me! Nooooo, she'll get there before me.

Amy's POV:

I pulled up to Mike's house, and I parked in his drive way. I sat there for a minute or two, then I sighted and got out. I walked up to his front door, and knocked. Then I got this feeling that something wasn't right. Just then he opened the door. I smiled "hey, what's wrong" I said when I saw him frown. He quickly changed it to a fake smile "oh, nothing I just wonna tell you somthing" he said motioning for me to come in.

I walked in feeling weird, a weird feeling, like the atmosphere was filled with something. I couldn't quit put my finger on it. I walked into the den to see his friend, Jake. He looked at me with sorrow all over his face. I furrowed my eye brows, I was confused and I didn't like the feeling in my gut.

Mike came up behind me and stood in front of me. He looked nervous and uneasy, he's hidding something I can feel it, it scared me. He scratched his neck, something he does when he's nervous, I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked me in the eyes "Amy I want to tell you something". I knew the news he was gonna tell me wasn't good.

He swallowed and looked at me, he stood there looking speechless. Then his friend sighted he stood up, and pushed his way in front of Mike "i'll do it, I'll break the news" he looked at Mike and scoffed, and rolled his eyes. "look girl, he's been using you, to make his old girl, Daisy, jealous. Sorry to say it, but yea" he looked at me.

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