The happiness

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•Foxy's P.O.V.•

I kissed Minni as she walked out the door, dragging the toys and Marion with her. They'd be taking Mike's truck again, and she'd be coming back tonight. Just knowing she'd be here again and this wasn't all just a fools dream made me feel a lot better.

I sat on the stage as Freddy walked over, hopping up to sit beside me. He was smiling, shaking his head as he chuckled. He was staring at the pieces of the animatronic on the floor, little bits of white fur strewn everywhere and a ripped red bow laying by Mangle's second head.

"That was pretty entertaining to watch. Marion had to get her signature screwdriver out of the bag just for the job." He laughed, looking at me. "I went to pick up her mess that she made of Minni's bag, you wouldn't guess what I found."

"What? Tampons?" I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh.

"Close. She's taking birth control." He whispered loudly, just enough for me to hear him. The growing amount of anxiety I had about her and I in the backstage disappeared as I fell back against the cove stage, my face in my hands.

"Thank fuck!" I just about shouted. "There be a weight off me shoulders."

"Why?" He stared at me for a second before comprehension dawned on his face. I was expecting him to be angry, and I braced myself for the yelling, but instead he laughed, genuinely at that. "Oh my god, you guys didn't."

"Aye, we did." I peeked out from between my fingers, heat flooding my cheeks. "I think me back might be bleeding."

He laughed even harder. "I wonder i-if there'll be rips in your f-fur..."

"That's not funny Freddy." I growled playfully, sitting up again. It felt nice to be talking to him again, back on good terms. He quieted down, a small smile still lurking on his lips.

"This might be an awkward question, but what's it like?"

"That be...that be something I can ne'er put into words." I ran a hand through my hair, feeling slight tangles from where Minni had been playing with it. "But I can say, that be one of the best feelings I ever had."

"What was the best one?"

The first thing that came to mind wasn't our first kiss surprisingly. "Actually, it be the day Mike fixed me up. Knowing I'd get to play with me crew again. And the fact that Minni played along with the entire act made it even better. I tell ya Freddy, that be amazing. You've never been out of order before. It be lonely and tiresome. They just let ye rot away."

"Well, you're back in working order now." He smiled, hopping off the stage. "But uh, I'm serious. Make sure someone looks at your back."

"Oi, ye better be getting back to yer stage before I make ye walk the plank!" I shouted as he ran across the room, laughing. I chuckled as I sat down on my stool, letting my animatronic side slip over me. I couldn't wait for the night shift again.

•Minni's P.O.V•

Standing in front of the mirror, I was gazing at my shoulder, lightly tracing a dotted red line with my finger. It was a bite mark, and I blushed at the thought of it. It almost screamed 'property of Foxy'. There was a knock on the door, and since it was only five I knew it was one of the kids.

"Who is it?"

"Your sweet little ray of sunshine!"

"Come on in Marion." I smiled, watching her as she opened the door, her eyes seemed to instantly land on my shoulder, a small smirk on her red lips.

"Now that's what I call a love bite. Damn sis."

"You got a mouth on you now that you're awake." I laughed as she lay down on my bed, stretching out. She must have just woken up.

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