The blanket kingdom

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I gathered everyone up, sitting them in front of the stage. They all seemed anxious and excited to see what I was planning. So I cleared my throat, a grin cracking my lips.

"Tonight, I have a task for everyone." I began. "I want us all to make the best blanket fort possible, using whatever we can find backstage."

"Blanket fort?" Chica asked, running a hand through her hair.

"It's basically where we find a bunch of things like chairs and doors and we try to make a house out of blankets." May laughed, joining us. "I say we go for it."

"Alright, everyone get up here, we'll go sort through the backstage and get stuff." I smiled, turning and walking back to the room. Foxy opened the door and led us in, and everyone went crazy.

I saw the toys walking around draped with blankets and curtains, while the adults like Gold and Bonnie carried out poles and things like stage lights. I ended up finding a stash of pillows, dusted over and probably used for some nap time attraction a long time ago. Foxy helped me carry them out, a purple blanket tied around his shoulders like a cape. I saw May and Mike helping Freddy and Chica to connect pvc pipes that were laying in piles. There was a massive bag on the ground, full of connectors.

I placed the pillows down and began helping to push the tables in a circle, the chairs having been stacked against the wall at closing. May had the pvc arranged in the middle so that it was reminiscent of a circus tent, and I was watching the kids as they began building tunnels and rooms around the massive structure. They were smart enough to make it so that even Foxy could fit through them.

As the sun began to set, we placed the spotlights around the room, turning the other lights off in the building. The blankets were being draped over the pipes, casting colored lights in the little tent rooms. The pillows and even more blankets were strewn around the floor inside, perfect for curling up for cuddles or even...uh oh.

"Alright everyone, inside the best damn blanket fort I've ever built we go." May grinned, and I ducked inside a blanket she held up. Foxy followed, pulling me into his lap as he sat down. Freddy sat next to us with Marion, and Bonnie and Gold were on my other side. Chica walked in, the kids following behind her. Chickadee climbed in her lap immediately and the boys leaned against her, and Mike and May were the last ones to enter, carrying a little lantern that I remembered.

"May." I stated. "Keep it PG, we have kids in here."

"Aw but that's no fun." She pouted.

"What ye be talking about?" Foxy whispered.

"May is the grand storyteller. Every time we build a blanket fort, it's always a tradition to tell scary stories."

"This be something I can enjoy." He chuckled. "Aye, May, tell us something that'll chill us to the bone!"

"Bone chilling, check." She grinned, dimming the light on the lantern.

"A long time ago, there was a house, with a loving husband and wife. Well, these two desperately wanted a baby, and one day their wish came true and the wife became pregnant. They had a beautiful baby girl, but she was so ill they could do nothing for her. The baby died when she was three months old, and the parents were so stricken with grief that they sealed off the baby's room and took out the knob, pasting wallpaper over it and making it so it couldn't be opened."

Everyone seemed oddly intent on listening. I even felt Foxy lean forward to listen as May's voice quieted.

"Flash forward a few decades, and a new family was moving into the hundred year old farmhouse. There was a husband, a wife, and an eleven year old daughter who loved baby dolls. And one day about a year after moving in, she noticed her baby doll things going missing, like blankets and bottles and even a crib. And at nights, she'd hear a baby crying its eyes out like it couldn't breathe. She stopped waking up her parents because they didn't believe her. Well, one night around midnight she was home alone, and the house was being remodeled so things were being torn down. There was a strip of wallpaper loose, so out of sheer curiosity she reached up and pulled it down to reveal a door."

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