The fear

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I opened the door to the pizzeria, feeling the electricity in the air. There were so many kids here today, and everyone inside sounded so happy. I was going to go talk to Mr. Fazbear when I realized that this wasn't the pizzeria I knew.

This place was large, brimming with the squeals of children as they ran between the party tables, played on the carousel, sang with the toys on stage, and even played pirate with Mangle. Nobody seemed to realize that I was here, or that I was even existent. I shivered to think that I was but a phantom in this building. This wasn't my home, but instead, a memory of another.

Someone made a loud noise, as if to scare children, or maybe to surprise them. I saw the Marionette leaping from her box, handing a small boy a present, wrapped beautifully in his favorite colors. But then she looked up, and saw me standing by the stage, gazing back at her with tears in my eyes. And all of a sudden, she wasn't a marionette, and was instead my little sister, jumping out of her box and walking towards me. Everyone else seemed to ignore the fact she just turned into a human, except for me of course.

"You're here because of me, you know." Marion whispered, looking towards the stage. "I didn't mean to drag you into this...this memory. But I started breaking down and it reached out to everyone from here, and you. It's because since you're so much like my care so deeply for a child, for everyone. I needed you, but you didn't need to see this."

"This is the pizzeria before ours, isn't it?" I asked her, looking up at toy Freddy. He was an animatronic, smiling at me and giving a small wave. I waved back absentmindedly, feeling a blind numbness cascading over me.

"Yes." She looked down the hall, taking my hand. "I'll show you around."

We walked past the bathrooms, taking a left and down to where more kids were screeching and smiling and playing happily. And at the end of these part rooms sat the security office, where a man sat, his body seemingly...glitchy. His being turned a dark purple for a moment, before snapping back to his usual visage and back again. This is how they saw him. Vincent.

"He worked the day shift?" I whispered.

"Yes. And when the day shift was over..." Marion looked behind her. Suddenly the place was quiet, and empty. And all we could see was a man walking down the hall as he glitched, whistling and playing with his keys. We followed him back to the end, where instead of turning right, he turned left. There was a door I hadn't seen before, and he unlocked it, allowing both Marion and I to peer inside. I completely regretted doing so, though. Because what I saw would burn itself into my eyelids forever.

All of the old animatronics, I could see why they referred to them as the withered. Foxy, Chica, Freddy, Bonnie...they were all broken, torn apart, pieced together from each other's bodies. And what's worse is the fact that the smell of death wafted around them, decaying flesh hidden somewhere within their circuits. I wanted to cry and puke and kill Vincent all at once. But then I saw him; he was climbing into the Golden Bonnie suit. He was...oh god, he used the suit to lure them in here.

"They never knew what happened." Marion sniffed. "I...have a secret. I'm the only one that did."

"What do you mean?"

"He killed me too."

"No." I snapped, looking at Vincent as he pulled the Bonnie head on over his. "No, that's not right. Marion-"

"I wandered away from my mom. He caught me and slit my throat and I woke this. My music box was with me, the tune almost broken back then. But it brought me back, and I saw him. I saw him and I hated him. I wasn't even nine yet and he killed me. I lied and told everyone that I didn't need a sacrifice to be brought to life. I was the sacrifice." Shadows gathered around the girl, like the slithering body of a snake. "I want to be the one to rip his head from his body as the music plays."

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