The fallen empire

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I watched as the sun set through the windows, casting the pizzeria under the pale moonlight that was just barely peeking over the horizon. The last family had left, saying goodbyes to their beloved childhood mascots. I hadn't told them yet. I didn't want to, I didn't want to say goodbye. I couldn't. There had to be some way to avoid this whole mess.

"You doing alright?" Mike walked up beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"No." I sighed. "Mike, they're all being taken in for evidence. What are we going to do?"


"The police shut this place down. There's been too many disappearances." I turned away from the doors and towards the party room. May went home to take care of the toys, took Marion home as well. The clock was about to strike seven, and Mr. Fazbear was leaving.

"Well, you two have a fun night. Make sure no rascal kids get in here and wreck the place again, not like it really matters, but it'd be nice to leave this place tidied up."

"We will." I smiled. "Goodnight Mr. Fazbear."

He nodded and walked out the door, and the moment his car was out of the parking lot, I felt human arms around me. Foxy was hugging me close, my feet were hanging off of the ground as he did. I wanted to start crying all over again.

"Aye, lassie, don't be sad." He whispered. "It'll be okay."

"I...I need to talk to everyone here." I sighed, feeling him place me back on my feet. "Can I get all of you to listen?"

Everyone gathered on the main stage, the tables and chairs all moved, their human forms taking control over them. They were all listening intently, curious as to what the news might be.

"This place is being shut down due to the overwhelming number of disappearances. Vincent was the last straw." I took a deep breath. "The police are going to be starting a formal investigation into all of the missing night guards. And...all of the animatronics are being taken as evidence."

"Evidence?" Foxy asked, and everyone seemed confused, everyone but Gold. His face was pale, his eyes dull and his hands shaking. He knew what was going on.

"They're...they're taking us away." He whispered. "They're going to power us down and put us in a cage and label us as evidence to an unsolvable crime. We'll never see the light of day again..."

The room was silent once more. I felt my heart squeeze in my chest, just as Foxy squeezed my fingers. He was holding my hand so tight I thought he was going to break my fingers. But when I looked up at him I saw that he was crying.

"Aye...we ain't going to be going down without a fight." He whispered. "They'll have to find us before they can take us. We can jus' leave, can't we? Go home with you?"

"I...I don't know if that will work." I paused. "You'd all have to get real jobs, but none of you have any actual training to be in the real world. Let's face it, you're robots. The only taste you've gotten of outside life is when you came home with us. You haven't been to school, gotten an education, you don't have any papers or I.D., anything."

"Yes we do."

Everyone looked at Freddy. He was clenching his fists in his lap, his eyes closed tight. But when he looked back up his ocean blue eyes were swelling with storms.

"We were all people once. We still have names and identities and..."

"Freddy." Chica grabbed his hand. "They found our bodies. We're dead. There's nothing left for us."

A thought crossed my mind. "They...they never found Marion's body, did they?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at me.

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