The safe room

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•Gold's P.O.V.•

I chuckled, watching as the toys all jumped around excitedly. I was watching all of the cameras, looking to see when Foxy might be ready to run or Marion's music was almost out. Freddy wasn't getting off easy, in fact I think they were going harder on him because of being an animatronic. He knew their paths and their plans, so he had an advantage. Minni did too, but she hadn't encountered the toys before. I was just about to jump into the office when I realized that there was someone out of place.

I jumped to the kitchen cam, seeing that Chica was banging around again, but Minni was no where to be seen. I jumped down and landed as a human, looking around and realizing what the smell was that the night shift guard was describing. The propane gas to the stoves were still on, and I didn't know why. Chica stopped tossing around pots when she spotted me, walking over and looking around when she did.


"Where's Minni?"

"Isn't she in the office with Freddy?" She tilted her head, looking around. "She was gone when I got in here."

A sneaking suspicion crawled up my spine that I didn't quite enjoy. "Do me a favor and go get the others. See if Minni is hiding out somewhere or if something happened."

"No problem." Chica ran out of the room, practically yelling as she did.

I started to look around the room a little more, noticing that certain things were out of place, other than the pots and pans. I walked along the stoves and turned them off, shaking my head as I went. Something was incredibly off here. That's when I felt it: a certain liquid beneath my shoes that stuck ever so slightly. I looked down and spotted the crimson color that made my heart sink in my chest.

"FOXY!" I shouted as I ran out into the party room. He looked ready to leap off of his stage when I said his name, and instead he jumped off and jogged over to me, confused as all hell.

"What be wrong lad?"

"Minni's gone, there's blood on the kitchen floor." I said frantically. "Foxy, all the stoves were turned on. Someone else is in here with us."

"There's...blood...?" His head twitched slightly. I saw his eyes dim and light up again, only for him to growl loudly. "WHERE BE MY MINNI?!"

The robotic fox pushed past me, bolting into the kitchen as all of the other animatronics began to rejoin us. Someone asked what was going on and I brought them all over to the kitchen doors, throwing them open to reveal Foxy tearing the place apart.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He screamed, his eyes frantic.

"Foxy, relax, what's going on?" Marion asked, stepping forward on rounded feet.

"Minni's missing. I found blood on the floor and someone turned the stove on." I panted.

Just then, every light in the building shut down. The power ran out for no apparent reason. All of us were in here, so who could have made it turn off? I heard one of the toys whimper, probably poor Chickadee, and I felt a hand slip into mine.

"Does anyone have a light?" I asked, watching as Marion flicked the start on a lighter. She was human, and hovering over something I hadn't seen: more droplets of blood, seemingly leading somewhere.

Marion began to walk along the trail, with us following behind. The blood stopped at the edge of the far wall, where nothing was. But still she shook her head, with brows furrowed, as she stared at the spot.

"Why haven't we ever noticed this door before?" She asked.

"What door?" Freddy questioned, walking forward and placing his metal hand on the wall. It made a noise like it collided with wood instead of concrete, and we all jumped in surprise. There's never been a door there before, but as I focused, I began to see it more. It was old, but it looked like someone pried the beams off of it.

"Can we go in?" Foxy stepped forward, grabbing the handle. He jumped back suddenly, twitching for a moment. "Never mind about that."

"Let Marion try." I suggested. He nodded, and Marion stepped forward, pulling on the handle and letting the door swing open. The smell of mustiness and mildew hit my nose and I backed away, watching as Marion walked inside with no hesitation. Everyone else who tried seemed to be unable to, except for me. I could walk right in.

"This be a safe room." Foxy growled. "In case we ever glitched and the workers needed to hide. We ain't be able to get in lad, you and Marion go on ahead."

I nodded, releasing Bonnie's hand from my grip and slowly approaching the door. I followed Marion inside and found a fairly spacious room, filled with old tables and belongings that people might have left behind. But then I saw a figure, laying across one of the tables. A figure we'd recognize from anywhere.

"Minni!" Marion whimpered. "Minni...?!"

"Marion, go back out." I told the girl. "I've got her, you need to go. I don't know who's in here, but they fucked up."

Marion ran off, leaving me in the dark. I could see easier like this anyway. My footsteps were silent as I walked towards Minni, taking her up in my arms. Her head lolled to the side and I saw where the blood had been coming from. Bile rose in my throat when I saw a dent in the back of her skull, like she'd been hit with something heavy. She was cold, but I found a faint pulse.

"Thank god." I whispered, walking back towards the kitchen. Everyone's eyes landed on the bundle in my arms, and I heard Foxy whine loudly.

"Oh my god, is she...?" He looked at me, a pleading gleam in his eyes.

"She's alive, but she's not conscious." I breathed. "Her skull is broken guys. We need to call Mike and May and get her out of here."

"How'd that happen?!" Chica cried out.

"I don't know, but it looks like someone hit her." I sighed. "Foxy, can you take her? I need her phone."

"Aye, lad." He fell to his human form, taking his girlfriend in his arms. He took her phone out of her pocket for me and handed it over, and I ushered everyone back out into the party room. They all sat at the tables while I opened up her phone and went to contacts.

"Hello?" May answered, sounding groggy. "Oh shit, Minni I'm so sorry, we fell asleep-"

"May, it's Gold." I stopped her. "Something happened. The power's off and Minni is unconscious. We need you here right away."

"Oh my god what happened?!" She practically screeched.

"We don't know, but-" I paused. I heard someone, down the hall towards the office. It wasn't a familiar voice, but it was one I knew.

"Dum dee dum dum..." A chuckle followed, and I dropped the phone. I could see eyes at the end of a hall, along with an animatronic smile.

"EVERYONE! GET THE HELL OUT OF THE PARTY ROOM!" I screamed, running back to the group as I heard metal footsteps behind me. They all looked confused, but I saw him.

I saw Springtrap.

Plot twist!
Hey guys, after this theres only one chapter left, and I plan to release a preview of the third book later this week as well. In February I'll release the first chapter of the last book, and everything will proceed from there ^~^ thank you pirate crew, I hope you have a wonderful day <3

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