The game (part one)

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I walked into the pizzeria, only to be immediately scooped up into Foxy's arms, kisses being planted on my cheeks and lips. I giggled, holding onto him as he set me down.

"Aye, so where we be going tonight lassie?" He asked.

"Tonight we're going to mine and May's house." I smiled, looking at everyone else in the room. They all looked excited, so I walked back to the door, holding it open. "The kids are all at home, waiting."

"Is Gold in the car?" Bonnie asked, only to be responded with intense honking.

"Are you guys coming or not?!" Gold poked his head out of the window, shouting.

"Yeah yeah, calm down you grumpy teddy!" Bonnie shouted, jogging over to the car. I walked out with them, popping open the drivers side door. I shooed Gold back to the backseat, letting Foxy take the passenger side. I realized my fault when there were only three seats in the back of May's car and four more people to fit.

"Someone's going to have to sit in someone's lap." I called back, listening as Gold wrapped his arms around Bonnie and hauled the bunny into his lap.

"Problem solved." He grinned as Bonnie blushed. Chica and Freddy hopped in beside them, and thankfully also understood the concept of seat belts. I started the car and pulled out, driving the short distance to my house.

I noticed that we were the only ones with our lights on still, the rest of the street was dark, save for the street lamps. The second I pulled into the driveway and parked, I turned around, looking at each of them seriously.

"Okay guys, the kids are still awake, but once they go to bed May and Mike are breaking out the booze. Do not drink more than two cups of vodka or four bottles of beer. Got it?"

"Booze?" Foxy asked.

"Alcohol, dipshit." Gold laughed, patting Bonnie's side. "Come on, let's go."

We got out and walked into the house, immediately being greeted by four squealing children. Bonnie picked up Bon-Bon and Chica did the same with Chickadee, while Freddy grabbed for Marion and Gold hauled up Fred. I led them inside, where they all widened their eyes as they glanced around.

"So this is where you live?" Chica asked, grinning. "It's beautiful."

"Thank you!" May suddenly hopped out from the kitchen, grinning. "I decorated myself."

"Hey I helped paint!" I scowled. "And move furniture!"

"Yes you did, now who wants some late dinner?" May chuckled. "I've got spaghetti and meatballs. There should be plenty enough for everyone."

"Where's Mike?" I asked, walking into the kitchen beside May.

"I'm right here!" He smiled, holding a large bowl of pasta. He looked adorable wearing an apron. "How many we feeding? Twelve?"

"You got it." I smiled, pulling bowls out of the cabinet. Thank god we had enough. "Hand me the noodles, I'll start dishing them out if you can handle the meatballs."

"Sure can." He gave me the pasta as I lined up the bowls, pouring good sized portions into each. There really was plenty enough for everybody, even enough for leftovers. As I put the rest of the pasta in a smaller bowl Mike began pouring on the tomato sauce and meatballs.

"Alright guys! Dinners served!" May called, and of course the first ones in the kitchen were the kids. I handed each of them a bowl and fork, sending them off so that the adults could come get some. Gold picked up two bowls, handing one to Bonnie and Chica before grabbing one for himself. Freddy and Foxy grabbed theirs, and I grabbed mine and followed them out to the living room.

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