NYC Halloween Parade 2015

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***Dedicating this poem to everyone I know and don't know that is suffering from ME***

Long have I awaited the moment

When I could once again

Enjoy my favorite holiday

The way I was supposed to

By walking in the

NYC Halloween Parade

This year


After being bedridden for

Nearly two years

From ME

I was finally able

To accomplish that goal

But I didn't just do it for myself

I did it for the people who

Are still bedridden

Who are still dealing

With this horrific illness

They were in my heart

And mind

As I danced near

The Webster Hall float

Waving at every child I saw

In the crowd

Children are innocence

The parade is to show off our costumes


And have fun

But we can't forget

Who comes out to watch us

The kids that want to be a part of it

So for them I smiled and waved

As I boogied up 6th ave

With every step I took

Every movement I made

My chronically ill sisters and brothers

Were walking right beside me

NYC Halloween Parade 2015

Proved to be an awesome evening

I spoke to a lot of different people

Took quite a few pictures

Another feather in my

Inching forward cap

Recovery without a cure

That's just the way it has to

Be sometimes

And celebrating something

So fun

Even though I walked alone

Is worth every little bit

I am blessed

And honored

To have been able

To put on my massive

Eagle wings

My costume and makeup

And enjoy every precious second

Of the

NYC Halloween Parade 2015

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