Standing At The Edge Of A New Chapter

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Waking up that morning

Things feel different

It's as if you're

Standing at the edge

Of a new chapter

In your life

Sort of like

Being at the very

End of a cliff

Knowing that soon

You will fall

And for the first

Time in years

You aren't afraid

It's a step

You are willing to take


Because there's

No such thing

As an easy life

Someone told me recently

Do not let

Fear control you

And I am not

Find others in your area

By reaching out

To the paranormal/metaphysical community

Put your wish out into the universe

Like-minded people will find you

And I have

Still continue to

Now that I truly know

And feel like there is no

Going back

To that place of yore

I am prepared to take

That leap

Close a chapter

Finish a test

Lock the door behind

To the past

Walk a few steps




It is time

To move forward

The time has come to

Take that leap

After standing on the

Edge of a new chapter

I am ready for my tomorrow

Are you?

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